Internal vs. External Audit Staffs
Spacecraft, Inc., is a large corporation that is audited regularly by a public accounting firm but also maintains an internal auditing staff.
1. Due by Day 7. Week 1 Exercises. Complete these problems and turn them in via the dropbox: P12-1, P12-7, P12-10, P12-14, E13-21, E13-22, and P13-6.…
This debacle started in JP Morgan’s Chief Investment Office (CIO), in the London branch of the firm. CIO’s are central to any major bank. Their purpose is to invest the difference between deposits the bank has on hand from its customers and the credit lent out to borrowers. This difference is called the bank’s reserves. With $1.1 billion in deposits and $750 billion on loan, JP Morgan’s CIO handled assets in excess of $350 billion.ii In theory, CIO’s are supposed to keep the reserves safe and to protect them against inflation. However, in reality, most CIOs will enter into more risky investments in order to earn higher returns. This is what the London Whale was doing. Still however, these investments should not be too risky and risk management and risk assessment controls are implemented to stop investments from being entered into when their risk exceeds the CIOs appetite.…
There are four significant elements of financial management, “There are four basic financial statements. You can think of them as a set. They include the balance sheet, the statement of revenue and expense, the statement of fund balance or net worth, and the statement of cash flows.” (Baker & Baker, Chapter 4, 2011). Financial manager need to have a balance sheet to review or perform an audit so they can see the debt to income ratio for the organization they are financially responsible for. The statement of revenue and expense provide a clear financial outlook of the organizations financial situation during certain time periods. The significance of the statement of fund balance or net worth is to identify cash and property assets of the organization within a year or other period of time. Last but not least the statement of cash flow is proof of all of the profit by the organization during a certain period of time.…
All medical facilities are responsible for given the best treatment as possible to their patients. This may include having the ability to react the correct way in a determinate situation, always thinking in the patient and the organization’s benefit. In medical field there many precautions that must be taken in order to prevent a real problem, such as malpractice and law suit cases. For this reason is good to apply “think before act” because it all starts having a good base of ethical decision.…
“It depends on how careful they were, if they were there at all. We’re checking on that.”…
· Read the Where Were the Accountants? Ethics Case on pp. 36-37 (Ch. 1) of the text. Answer the question as if you were…
Dr. Williams assistant Jerry does have the training but does not have the ability to make a call for a patient because if he prescribed the wrong dosage amount then there will be in trouble with the patient and also with HIPAA. It will not be in the best interest of Jerry to make this call for Dr. Williams without making a call to Dr. Williams first. In order for this to happen without breaking any laws, Jerry needs to have communication with Dr. Williams. To keep the integrity of office Jerry should ensure that the proper medication and make sure that it is the patient’s correct prescription if Dr. Williams gives the okay for jerry to provide the Valium for the patient. This might have to be a medication that this patient have to go without on his trip.…
When working in an administrative health care setting there is always some type of ethical issues that come about everyday no matter what the daily activities are. As a healthcare administrator there are responsibilities that must be held up. Their responsibilities are to oversee medical records, billing and coding procedures, current technology practices and patient privacy requirements. Healthcare administrators work in hospitals, clinics and other types of medical facilities where their duties are to ensure that the organization operates in an efficient and profitable manner.…
Theoretically, the utilitarian theory of ethics states that action should be viewed as good or bad based on the number of people deriving pleasure from it. Provided it is the majority of the people deriving pleasure then the act is good. Therefore, the board should have educated the players on the wrongful aspect of the sale of the memorabilia based on this theory (Kelly, 2012).…
Ethics is a developed since of standards to guide decisions and behavior. Ethical conduct is formed from moral values transformed through parental teaching, social exposure, and life experience. As an adolescent mature into adulthood standards of what is right and wrong can change. Personal ethics is the behavior or mode of action from the concept of right and social exposure, and life experience.…
An organization’s mission statement is a written declaration of its core purpose and focus, which remains unchanged over time. When properly crafted, a mission statement will serve as a filter of what is important and what is not. Which market the organization intends to serve and how, as well as the envisioned direction of the entire organization ("", 2014). Usually summarized in the mission statement, the core values refer to the principle that guides an organizations internal conduct, as well as its relationship with the external world ("", 2014). The written set of guidelines an organization issues to its workforce to help them conduct their actions in accordance with its primary values and ethical standards is the…
PlentErgy is a publicly-traded oil and gas company. Their operations have been mainly in Texas and Oklahoma; however, they do not want to miss out on the current oil boom in North Dakota. The oil is in the Bakken Shale deposit. PlentErgy has the skills and experience in hydraulic fracturing, also called “fracking,” which is the process used for releasing oil and gas from rock formations like the Bakken Shale found in North Dakota. PlentErgy is confident in their ability to use fracking safely and successfully in order to release oil and gas from sites they will lease North Dakota. However, there are ethical concerns with fracking and its association with waste disposal which has been controversial. PlentErgy is concerned about the possibility of ruining their reputation. PlentErgy must be able to ensure that their decision to partake in fracking in North Dakota adheres to the highest ethical standards in order to not harm the company’s reputation.…
“It’s invisible to us, but there is a crime wave going on, unprecedented in human history”. This is the opening line to “Counterfeit Culture,” a documentary about how counterfeit items enter the market, the kinds of goods normally purchased, and how it not only affects the global economy, but our own personal lives as well. In the last twenty years, counterfeit goods have exploded. This is because the way consumers do business has changed. Globalization has become a major influence on all markets and goods can now easily flow from one country to another, real and counterfeit.…
The concept of social responsibility proposes that a private corporation has responsibilities to the society that extend beyond making a profit. Strategic decisions often influence other entities than just the company. For instance, a decision to cut back by closing some distribution centers and discontinuing manufactured goods, affects not only the company’s personnel but also the surroundings where the plants are located. This also hinders the consumers and vendors with having no other source for the discontinued products.…
This case presents a very typical situation that people encounter while working in the corporate environment. What is ethical, what is morally correct and what is just right out against the law are the questions that we all face while working in a corporate environment. Some of the ethical questions are governed by the law facing the situation. For example while working in an investment bank you most probably have access to inside information about upcoming deals that one could possibly use for personal monetary gain or you could act as a tippie and possibly share that confidential information with others. This kind of a situation is definilety governed by the law and you can actually be charged with various insider trading laws and possibly do some jail time as well. The other situation that is presented in the case is purely about ones ethical and moral standards. The analyst either has to compromise her loyalty towards her company B&B or towards her best friend Lori. While the situation presented is not a real zero-sum game, i.e., one player’s loss does not equal to the gain of the other player. When faced in a situation like this one has to think about what decisions can be made that will have the least affect on the players involved. The analyst should not look at the situation she faces as black or white. She should rather think about other options she might have to retain her friend’s loyalty while not compromising her loyalty towards her current employer. For example, Lori has already been laid off by her current employer, Universal group. The Universal group has already broken certain ethical and moral laws by not informing about the situation to B&B. So can the analyst come up with a situation where she can get Lori immediately and legally hired at B&B and convince her to share the information with B&B. In essence Lori will not have to feel guilty about not keeping the information confidential as has been laid off and the…