During the Seventeenth century Louis the XIV was exemplary in the practice of absolutism, he had a very well established royal court in his palace at Versailles allowing him to have his policies implemented and have absolute control of government (Duiker World History, 435). Other states intended to follow Louis XIV steps in leadership and began to assimilate its policies, states like Prussia, Austria who slowly created bigger armies and increased wealth attempting to attain greater power like that of Louis XIV in France, Russia on the other hand under the leadership of Peter the Great underwent significant political and social changes in order to assimilate absolutism like that of France (Duiker World History, 438).
During his reign King Louis XIV (1643-1715) implemented changes and policies in order …show more content…
Peter the great was a strong and tall man with a very hot-tempered character and combat experience as he was a member of the Michael Romanov dynasty. Peter visited the west during 1697-1698, upon his return to Russia he was determined to westernize it similar to Europe. His first priority as to all Kings was to build an army of great power, composed of Russians, Europeans and peasants he created an army of approximately 210,000 men while implementing European technology to make Russia powerful. Peter implemented political reforms beginning with the centralization of power throughout the land by dividing Russia into provinces to maintain control, although many didn’t share his concept of authority to the state very few revolted against him mainly due to his fearful personality. He also built a new city Saint Petersburg as a symbol that Russia was looking westward to Europe where most of his social life policies were implemented and Russia would become more westernized (Duiker World History, 439). He implemented social reforms in fashion for Russians to westernize them, he himself set the example in all changes implemented. Peter ordered that gentlemen, merchants and other subjects except priests and peasants to pay a tax annually if they wished to keep their beards. Also issued and ordinance abolishing oriental