PBAD 201-1402A-03
Public Administration
External Application of Public Administration
Phase 3
Individual Project
Professor Portee
Teresa Dugan
I am going to be working for the ASPCA (which means, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. On this paper, I will show the budget that I found for this year which June 30, 2013. This report came from the Animal Humane Society and it is an annual report.
This report came from the Anima Humane Society and it is an annual report:
Support and Revenue Adoptions fee and program revenue $4,256,783 Contributions $5,592,502 Wills and Estates …show more content…
In Kind Contributions $199,294 Special events and promotions $900,638 Investments gain and loss $501,901 Dividend and interest income $135,917 Other things $48,453 Total $12,707,757
Program services Rescue $246,899 Adoption and Surrender $8,176,150 Pet Services $652,503 Outreach $323,326
Supporting Services Management and General $501,524 Fundraising $2,867,790
Total …show more content…
The ASPCA rescues animals that are abused by their owners and find them a special home that they can live out their lives. The very first Humane Society that has been given the authority to investigate and make legal arrests, for any crimes against animals by humans. They have and can provide the local, national leadership that will help parent the animal with the right owner through deep investigation. I know this because they did a background check on me, when I started over at the animal pound here in North Platte, Nebraska. They help inform people that vicious animals are not that way; it is just the way that they are raised. Rottweiler’s and pitbulls are some of the vicious animals that they are talking about. I have had both and neither one of them were bad animals. These dogs are not at risk animals, but just misunderstood, because they have been labeled that they are bad animals. They also help the victims that have been a victim of animal cruelty. They do this with helping them with the bills that acquired when there has been an