This codes speaks to the significance of how important it is for counselors to communicate clearly, and understandably in ways that are developmentally and culturally sensitive and appropriate to their clients (ACA, 2014, Standard A.2.c). The second ethical code is the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors ethical codes which explains the role of the counselor in how they are expected to respect cultural diversity and not discriminate. (IAMFC, 2011, Section A.4). Similarities of the Ethical Codes Discussed
The two ethical codes previously discussed are similar in the fact that they both deal with diversity, multiculturalism, cultural competency, understanding and self-awareness on the part of the counselor. The two codes speak to the importance of understanding what the counselor is speaking and being able to tune in to how a diverse client may interpret what the counselor is conveying. This is important, when dealing with diversity and multrucluriaslism what often time gestures, words, and body language convey different meanings to diverse …show more content…
Self-awareness on the part of the counselor is crucial in how he or she interacts with diverse
A counselor with an understanding of their views on diversity and multiculturalism will help to surface any biases towards multiculturalism. Ethics and Counseling
Multiculturalism and diversity is increasing throughout the United States. I reside in the state of California, which is becoming increasingly diverse. As a counselor it will be important for me to focus on cultural competence in order to be more effective in working with diverse clients. It is important that I am self-aware in how I interact with diverse clients as well as an understanding of my own biases, and stereotypes. A tool that can be effective when dealing with multicultural clients is to acknowledge their differences, culture and experiences during the counseling