1. Plot: This is an entire event described in a story which is based on the sequence and order neatly arrange together. A plot could be cause and effect too, as it also refers to what has been done and what are its effects. Some stories have very simple plots, while some others have highly complex plots.
2. Character:
This is the second important element of a fiction. A character takes part in the events of the plot and plays an active role in it. This could be a human being, an animal, a figure, or even an animate object. There could be round and flat characters, but they must present in the event of the story or else the event or plot will not make any sense.
3. Setting:
The setting in a story or fiction means not only the time …show more content…
In other words, it predicts the future events of the story through which a reader comes to know what is going to happen next.
With reference to A&P by John Updike
1. Plot:
The plot of the story "A&P" comprises of three young modern girls, a young man, Sammy, the store manager and some other people. The vent is the arrival of the young girls in the A&P store in a small town of the New England. As the people see the girls with astonishment, and manager raises objections over their swimsuits, Sammy leaves the job due to his manager's misbehavior with the girl.
2. Character
There are six major characters involved in the conflict. The main character is that of Queenie, a heroic type of girl among the three. Sammy is a teenager salesman working in A&P who feels attracted to her, while Lengel is the manager who raises eyebrows over their swimming suits. Other characters are Stokesie, Plaid, the second girl and "Big Tall Goony Goony," the third girl.
3. Setting
The time of the story is the decade of 60s when swimming suits in New England were not as common. The story has taken place in a town in New England. The tone of the story is somewhat informal and