Facebook is used by 71% of teens, that is very close to adults. However, the stats for Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat do contrast more. Fifty two percent of teenagers use Instagram, an app/website used for sharing pictures and 15 second videos. Snapchat is an app used to send instant pictures or videos to friends for no longer than ten seconds also these videos and pictures can be posted on the user’s story for their friends to see but it expires after 24 hours of being posted. The percentage of teens that use Snapchat is 41%. With Twitter I personally thought there would be more users than what the statistics says but it’s not like no one uses it, Twitter is used by 33% of teenagers. Twitter allows users to type whatever they would like within 140 characters and post a maximum of 4 pictures. Users can mention each other and use hashtags to share their emotions or what’s going on with friends or complete strangers. Just like with the majority of social media sites there is the option of making your account private so only the people you want to follow you are able to see the content you post. I personally do not keep my accounts on private because I am very responsible and do not share anything that could put myself or others in danger. Another reason is I try to be noticed by multiple celebrities and if I tweet them and my account is on private then they will not see my tweet. Many …show more content…
In Brave New World the conveyor belt allowed for the mass production of babies, “... though you couldn’t see it, was a conveyor travelling at the rate of thirty-three and a third centimeters an hour.” (7, Huxley) this process of mass producing babies was very long but because it has been going on for many years so it was successful. In today’s society inventors are always trying to create faster and easier ways to do things. An example of this search for efficiency is 3D printing. This new age of technology allows for three dimensional forms to be built in a lot less time than it would if made by hand. These printers are really great for architecture firms because they are fast and save them tons of money because they require little labor and use materials gingerly to avoid