1. Understand the purpose of professional supervision in health and social care or children or young people work settings 1.1 Analyse the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision I am going to analyse the principles, scope and purpose of supervisions. The National
Minimum Standards for Care Homes for Older People along with the Skills for Care Council is the legal frame work and tool for all social care providing effective supervisions. The supervision cover all aspects of practice, philosophy of care in the home and the individuals career and development.
It is good practice to carry out supervisions and appraisals The National Minimum Standards For
Care and Older people and Adults states in Standard 36: The registered person ensures that the employment policies and procedures adopted to the care home induction, training and supervision arrangements are put into practice. A performance supervision is an employers way of telling the employee what is expected of them in their job role and how well they are meeting them exceptions. Supervisions are a two way process where supervisions are carried out with the individual and their mentor at least every 8 weeks. A supervision is a two way process which aids personal development and allows for communication on a one to one basis. The mentor will monitor the individuals performance to determine competency in a particular area of performance which has been observed. Supervision should be able to identify the positives and any area of concern which the individual could improve on or could benefit from further training. When I undertake any supervision my aim is to identify solutions to any problems, improve practises and increase understanding of any issues. The objectives are competency, accountable performance, continuing professional development and personal support.