Outcome3. Be able to work in partnership with others
3.1 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others Partnership (Multi-agency working) is driven by a desire for collaborative advantage and can offer many positive outcomes: improved outcomes for children and families through access to a wider range of services benefits for staff and services, such as less replication between different service providers increased efficiency in the delivery of services through better links between different providers
3.2 Demonstrate ways of working that can help improve partnership working Importance of professional relationships with team members, colleagues, other professionals, individuals and their families; importance of communication; agreed ways of sharing information; concept of power sharing and empowerment; nature of professional respect; understanding different roles and responsibilities; different professional expectations; multi-agency and integrated working; improving partnership working through effective communication and information sharing; collaboration and team-working; multi-agency team meetings and conferences; main principles of ‘No Secrets’ (2000) for multi-agency working in health and social care.
3.3 Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts
Skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts e.g. managing stress, remaining calm, being aware of both verbal and non-verbal communication, controlling emotions and behaviour, avoid threatening others, paying attention to the feelings being expressed as well as the spoken words of others, being aware of and respectful of differences, developing a readiness to forgive and forget, having the ability to seek compromise, seeking resolution, being specific with communication, trying not to exaggerate or over-generalise, avoiding accusations, importance of active listening.
3.4 Demonstrate how