Purpose: to record learner evidence against a range of assessment methods
Learner name Carmen Marquez Aguilar
Assessor name Cathy Cassidy
Assessment Method - J - Reflections on own practice No. 2
The learner has agreed to submit the following evidence.
Assessment criteria
Assessor initial/date
SHC 33
1.1. Explain what is meant by: Diversity, equality, inclusion and participation
SHC 33
1.2. Describe the potential effects of discrimination.
SHC 33
1.3. Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity.
SHC 33
2.1. Explain how legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role.
SHC 33
3.3. Describe …show more content…
Lack of self steam, lack of confidence etc…
All of which will hinder holistic development, therefore it is important that anti discriminatory and anti bias practice is promoted.
This means that I am aware of the images in books and posters of families, children and everyday tasks that the children see. I also need to consider the play resources that the children use e.g. dolls, dressing up clothes, the items I place in the home corner.
I am aware of the stereotypical and traditional view I may I may hold of society . I am aware the English may be a second language for children in the setting. Therefore we have welcome posters in different languages. I am aware that we use a wide range of communication methods with parents/carers who may find it difficult to keep in touch with the setting e.g. letters, text, e-mail, telephone In order to ensure my setting is inclusive and equitable we use the following strategies.
Staff agree policies and procedures in relation to respecting diversity and promotion of