It is important to get to know the individual to ensure the individuals needs are met and to put together a person centred plan. It is important to involve the individual when writing care plans and development plans to enable them to establish their needs and enables the individual to express their wishes and preferences and to make them aware that they have choices.…
If person-centered values become guidelines for health and social care practices. It will definitely help to provide anti-discriminatory practices and help to promote and support individual’s rights to equal opportunities, dignity, independence, choice and safety…
Q1.1) person centred value influences all aspects of care. It’s important to work towards this as then your respecting service users wishes and preferences. It has a huge impact on the service users as it makes them feel more relaxed and lets them know we respect all their wishes and preference’s. working in the way avoids service users feeling down and depressed.…
Making sure to embed person-centred values in care work is vital because it ensures that each individual receives care tailored to their unique needs and preferences. By focusing on their rights, choices, and dignity, it creates a nurturing environment where they feel respected and supported. This approach not only enhances their well-being but also fosters a sense of empowerment and understanding, promoting a positive and fulfilling care experience for all involved. 1.2 Explain why risk-taking can be part of a person-centred approach. Risk-taking can be part of a person-centered approach to care work because it allows individuals to make choices and decisions based on their preferences and desires.…
It’s important to promote person centred values as no individual is the same and everyone’s needs are different. Therefore we need to show that we have taken into account the individual as it will make them feel more valued and appreciated. It gives a personal touch to our standard of care. Another reason for the importance of promoting person centred values, is to make not just the service user feel valued but also make the families feel that we are taking on board their knowledge and understanding of the service user, in order to give him/her the best care possible.…
1 This is about seeing situations from the individual's point of view, listening to them and helping them to deal with them in the way that they want. For example a doctor wants to explain a complex course of treatment to an individual. Without person centred values the doctor and you would do it in the way that you thought best for the individual. With person centred values you make sure that he provides the time the individual wants and needs to take it in and ask any questions they have, that the information is provided in the form that the individual wants ie verbal, written, to them only so that they can inform others, to you/others so that you/they can be involved, that the individual has the opportunity to disagree with anything they hear etc.…
Risk is apart of everyday life for example cooking, getting the bus, walking to the shop etc. All these carry some element of risk. Risk is associated with our health, safety and security. Some adults such as those who are disabled or who are older are normally discouraged from taking risks with their planning, employment and their daily living skills usually because people worry for their limitations or that they might hurt themselves or others. Everyone has the right to take some kind of risks and make their own decisions about things that have an impact on their own lives, there should be a balance between service users participation in everyday activities and the carers duty of care. It is impossible to eliminate risk completely, however you can minimize risk and be prepared for it. Some services have had a problem taking approaches to risk because they have been concerned about potentially harmful situation for the service user and others. Everyone needs to take risk to achieve things, this will boost their confidence and could possibly encourage them to take positive risks in the future. People should support them but will discourage them from taking risks because of perceived perceptions of the persons limitations.…
Why is it important for health and social care practitioners to work in a way that upholds Person Centred Values?…
Supporting service users to take risks to do what they have chosen is part of a person centred way of working. This can be done by speaking to individuals finding out their needs, also reading their care plan to see specific preferences an speaking to friends and relatives about the individuals background.…
These key principles can then be applied to ensure individuals are cared for in health and social care practice by promoting independence and choice whist supporting their social, emotional and identity needs. You can also help them communicate in their chosen way and actively listen to them. The services should be flexible and meet different perspectives, and cultural differences should be respected at the same time service users shouldn’t be stereotyped because difference is also respected. They should have freedom to choice on the care provided to them. Privacy and confidentiality is vital. The benefits will be you will meet all needs that are required to be met while…
For some services, approaches to risk have been a problem because they have been concerned with avoiding potentially harmful situations for the service user and staff. People need to take risk to achieve things on their own merit, but there are people who should support them but will discourage them from taking risks because of perceived perceptions of the persons limitations. Risk taking can have benefits for the individual as it will enable them to do things most people take for granted. Risk is beneficial, balancing levels or protection and preserving levels of…
People should be treated with respect, involved in discussions about their care and treatment and able to influence how the service is run.…
My own personal and social care values will influence the provision of care that i will provide within my working role. It will be essential when working with service users that i am aware of my personal feelings, emotions, attitudes, and beliefs. Being aware of these can help minimise the risk of prejudice, discrimination and unfair treatment towards others.…
We all take risks every day as part of normal lives, we drive cars, cross roads and participate in activities which could cause harm. It is impossible to eliminate risk completely, but perceiving where it may be possible and using preventative measures to protect from harm is a factor. Risk taking is usually thought of as a means of danger. Although there may be negative elements, it can have positive benefits for the service user in terms of achievement.…