Unit Code:
EDUC 258
Given Names:
M. Cavanagh
Student ID:
Due Date:
7 January, 2015
Numeracy Interview Assignment
Assignment to be lodged in the Faculty Student Office, C3A 3rd floor
I certify that:
This assignment is my own work, based on my personal study and/or research
I have acknowledged all material and sources used in the preparation of this assignment, including any material generated in the course of my employment
If this assignment was based on collaborative preparatory work, as approved by the teachers of the unit, I have not submitted substantially the same final version of any material as another student
Neither the assignment, nor substantial parts of it, have been previously submitted for assessment in this or any other institution
I have not copied in part, or in whole, or otherwise plagiarised the work of other students
I have read and I understand the criteria used for assessment
The assignment is within the word and page limits specified in the unit outline
The use of any material in this assignment does not infringe the intellectual property / copyright of a third party
I understand that this assignment may undergo electronic detection for plagiarism, and a copy of the assignment may e retained on the database and used to make comparisons with other assignments in future.
Student Signature: _____________________________Date:____________________
This declaration is a summary of the University policy on plagiarism. For the policy in full, please refer to Student Information in the Handbook of Undergraduate Studies or www.student.mq.edu.au/plagiarism/.
Note: Assignments will not be accepted for marking unless the certification is signed and dated. If you do not understand the implications of the certification, or the criteria used for assessment, ask the Unit Convenor before starting the assignment.
If you have been granted an extension, please attach only the