2.1 Explain the strategic purpose of:-
School governors – School governors are responsible for the running of the school. They are made up of people with close links to the school. These will include a parent governor, a staff governor, a Local Authority governor, a local community governor that will be part of the community. They will have meetings to discuss, decide and set target on aims and objections regarding the school. They will discuss and adopt new policies. They will work closely with the Head Teacher and Senior Management, although they may not be present within the school on a day to day basis.
Senior management team - The senior management team will be made up more experienced staff who will work closely with the head teacher. They will meet regularly to discuss issues concerning the school and it’s running, and implement what is discuss. This will be fed back to teachers and other members of staff.
Other statutory roles e.g. SENCO - It is a statutory requirement that certain members of staff are present within in a school. In primary schools there will be a Foundation Stage Manager and a SENCO. The Foundation Stage Manager will oversee and ensure that the Early Years Foundation Stage (which is made up to Reception and Nursery classes) is being implemented as stated in the Early Years Foundation Stage document.
The SENCO will ensure that any special educational needs pupils are identified, the appropriate action is being taken, Individual Education Plans will be put in place then monitored, reviewed and progress recorded. The SENCO will liaise with parents and other practitioners involved.
Teachers - Teachers are responsible for planning, preparing and usually delivering the National Curriculum to their pupils. They must assess their pupils by assessing them. Often teachers will have another area they are responsible for. Each subject must have