
1984 George Orwell Analysis

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1984 George Orwell Analysis
All societies are controlled by their government in many different ways. Many societies are controlled by a democratic government, while other societies are controlled by dictatorship. These styles of government both have pros and cons. The passage from "1984" by George Orwell distinctly shows that society is a horrible and harmful place to live in because there are certain rules that people have to follow. "It was Mrs. Parsons, the wife of a neighbor on the same floor (" Mrs was a word somewhat discountenanced by the Party- you were supposed to call everyone "comrade"- but with some women one used it instinctively)"( Orwell paragraph 2). In this part of the passage, it is told that there are rules that are needed to be followed in society, …show more content…
The passage at this point describes the living conditions and how horrible they are, many of the resources that are needed for survival are in poor condition. These conditions will not help families prosper. Finally the society in 1984 undergo major propaganda. "On the walls were scarlet banners of the Youth League and the Spies, and a full sized poster of Big Brother". In another room someone with a comb and a piece of toilet paper was trying to keep tune to the military music which was issuing from the telescreen." (Orwell paragraph 3). In the scene where Winston was in Mrs. Parson's apartment it is shown that there is a lot of propaganda for example the banner, the poster of Big Brother and Mrs. Parson's children listening to the military music from the telescreen. Big Brother is trying to appeal to kids to become the next generation of soldiers, he is also trying to make himself an appealing individual because he wants his people to believe that they live in

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