Unlike Big Brother, surveillance cameras are not there to prevent resistance against the government. Instead America promotes free-thinking and freedom of speech. Another device is our smartphones. Articles debate whether they are cellphones or just tracker devices for the federal government to watch. Yes, the government could actually use your cellphone to find out your location. Just like surveillance cameras, tracking devices are used to promote safety. Usually, the federal government would not prefer to track an individual if they have not been in the wrong. Instead, permitting your phone to allow their location services on will open doors to technology. Look what we can do now. We could ask a program to navigate us around an area, to find out what restaurants are around, and to explore the area. Going this far in technology has opened the world’s eyes to many possibilities, to make it feel that we are really living in the
Unlike Big Brother, surveillance cameras are not there to prevent resistance against the government. Instead America promotes free-thinking and freedom of speech. Another device is our smartphones. Articles debate whether they are cellphones or just tracker devices for the federal government to watch. Yes, the government could actually use your cellphone to find out your location. Just like surveillance cameras, tracking devices are used to promote safety. Usually, the federal government would not prefer to track an individual if they have not been in the wrong. Instead, permitting your phone to allow their location services on will open doors to technology. Look what we can do now. We could ask a program to navigate us around an area, to find out what restaurants are around, and to explore the area. Going this far in technology has opened the world’s eyes to many possibilities, to make it feel that we are really living in the