2. Axis Powers—in World War II, the nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan, which had formed an alliance in 1936…
was, in a way, agricultural depression. Farmers began to over come this by forming the…
Jefferson, on the other hand, had a different view about Hamilton. Jefferson stated in the…
Documents A-H reveal some of the problems that many farmers in the late nineteenth century(1880-1900)saw as threats to their way of life.(a)explain the reasons for agrarian discontent and(b)evaluate the validity of the farmers' complaints.…
The Ministry of Truth, or Minitrue, is concerned with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts. The Ministry of Peace, or Minipax, is concerned with war. The Ministry of Love,…
When the Constitution was established, Article II was created to state the executive power shall be independent and a unitary president of the United States. A unitary president, or in other words a single-person, would provide quicker and more aggressive action than a multi-person executive council. However, even though the president is an independent position, the Constitution still states forms of checks and balances through the legislative and judicial branch. Article II also states how to select the president. The writers of the Constitution were opposed to Congress or the people electing the president, so the compromise was to establish an electoral college. The Electoral College provided an indirect way of electing the president…
The Berlin Conference of 1986-1985 was Africa's undoing in many ways. During the conference, European Nations decided which lands in Africa they would take over. However, this was done without the presence of an African representative. The race of these European powers to colonize and occupy Africa is termed, the “Scramble for Africa”. Africa’s inhabitants responded with anger and violence as is shown in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and ninth document. On the other hand, some tried to come to an agreement or to keep peace with the Europeans, which is seen in the second and third document; and the first document shows the Europeans attempted to gain control without conflict. Due to the Africans lack of modern weapons, they were often defeated.…
UNITED STATES HISTORY SECTION II Part A (Suggested writing time—45 minutes) Percent of Section II score—45 Directions: The following question requires you to construct a coherent essay that integrates your interpretation of Documents A-J and your knowledge of the period referred to in the question. High scores will be earned only by essays that both cite key pieces of evidence from the documents and draw on outside knowledge of the period. 1. Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865–1900. In your answer be sure to evaluate farmers’ responses to these changes.…
In the time of the late nineteenth century, the telecommunication revolution, or globalization, was beginning to make its start in American history. Communication and transportation was becoming faster with the new advances in the technological world. This made large businesses grow, creating large fortunes from the new railroad business However, the farmers if America took a hard hit ti these advances. Food prices were decreasing, and farmers were producing more crops than the economy could consume. Because if the changes in economy, the farmers had grown in discontent with the government, and the fingers were being pointed at the large scale business leaders. In the late nineteenth century, the farmers had a valid reason that big businesses were decreasing away the profits of their work, and into the railroad companies and that banks were taking advantage of the farmers, causing the great agrarian discontent.…
2Read the prompt. Determine what sort of evidence you will have to find in the documents based on the prompt…
Before the 1890s the Industrial Revolution caused a huge boom that left the agriculture industry in the dust. With the expansion of railroads linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans as well as to all points across America, the rise of the Industrial Empire, and the continuing debate about using silver as the national coinage standard of America. The depression of the 1890s was partly caused by the flooding of silver. Over supply and lesser demand also resulted in a drop of prices, job cuts and bankruptcy. Economic depression dominated the 1890s and helped to reshape the political alignments and attitudes of the era. Due to the devastating economic depression, thousands of people had no money and very little hope, which caused for widespread mistrust of elected leaders.…
From 1865-1900, America was going through a lot of agricultural changes due to the growth of industrialization. Farmers were the most influenced because they found themselves not making any profit from their crops. The new technologies, government policies, and economic conditions all impacted America’s agriculture. In response to these changes, farmers were being treated poorly and found themselves at a loss when it came to working with large corporate companies such as the railroads. During this time period, the shift from American farmers was beginning to surcome to industrialization.…
1976. The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of the majority is the recurring theme of many novels, plays, and essays. Select the work of an essayist who is in opposition to his or her society; or from a work of recognized literary merit, select a fictional character who is in opposition to his or her society. In a critical essay, analyze the conflict and discuss the moral and ethical implications for both the individual and the society. Do not summarize the plot or action of the work you choose.…
Industrialization connected the east to the west through the use of railroad development, drastically improving infrastructure and reducing travel time. Railroad tycoons like Cornelius Vanderbilt were able to control fare prices on their trains. This greatly impacted farmers in the west that relied on the railroads to transport their crop to the densely populated east. In an attempt to help western farmers, President Abraham Lincoln created the Department of Agriculture, so the farmers would be more knowledgeable about earning a profit from agriculture. The Granger movement was created by the Department of Agriculture, and soon became a tool for farmers to join together in order to make be able to make larger purchases. The Granger movement would be replaced by the Farmer’s Association. The Farmer’s association was focused on national politics to benefit farmers.The group would be divided between the south and the west, and also by race. The Farmer’s Association pushed for legislation that would limit the power that railroad companies had, and some would even push for complete nationalization of the railroads, and the use of silver as a currency. The Farmers would eventually begin to push for a graduated income tax, so the rich would have to pay more in taxes then the poor. This graduated income tax would…
What were the objectives of the Grange movement and Farmers Alliance? What was Populism, what were its goals at the Omaha platform of 1892?…