The lifestyle of Canadians changed dramatically from 1920s to 1930s. In the 1920s, everybody was living happily until the stock market crash in U.S. which caused the great depression. Canada was greatly affected by the depression. In the 1920s, technology and inventions grew rapidly, entertainment was booming and sports were becoming very popular while in the 1930s, Canadians no longer had money to afford anything and had to live without home, food, jobs and luxuries.
Sports in 1920s became very popular. The twenties were known as Canada's golden age of sports. Everyone who had skills participated in at least one sport. Some of the most famous sports in the 1920s were basketball, baseball, hockey, football and lacrosse. The sports heroes of the decade were amateurs. They often came out of nowhere to capture the headlines, medals, and world records. The greatest multi-sport hero of that age was Lionel Conacher who played hockey, football, baseball, and lacrosse. 1920’s also were the golden age of sport for women. The Edmonton Grads, which was a basketball team, was all made of women. …show more content…
The 1920s were called the “roaring twenties” because it was time for glamour and prosperity for everyone. People were making up for the misery of the war by enjoying many new ways of entertainment like jazz music, dances, parades, orchestras, family picnics, radio, theatres and cars. In 1030s, when the great depression hit, people didn’t know who or where to turn to for their need. Everybody was depressed during the depression and often used the radio to relax down and get their mind off things. There no longer were family picnics or going to concerts and dances because people couldn’t afford any of these extra luxuries. They were having enough trouble feeding their family food and