Assignment Unit 18
Unit 18
1.1 Outline the legal entitlements of disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs
You should look at the handout given at the course and the section which gives an outline of children’s legal rights. You should also read the details of the legislation on special needs, equalities and safeguarding in the leaflet as background.This is the web address for a bookletabout the Child and Families Act which gives a bit more detail to help you understand.Page 21
1.2 Describe the assessment and intervention frameworks for disabled children and those with special needs
You should look at the sections on assessing and intervening in the early years and in schools. The background reading above will also help with this. If you school has specific assessments that it uses with children you are supporting, you could describe these. You could also give an example of the sort of intervention given to SEN children either by you or other people in your class.
1.3 Describe the benefits of early intervention for disabled children and those with special needs
This is something for you to think about as well as using the summary in the briefing sheet. Your ideas for this are good to include. You may want to think about what could happen to a child who’s SEN is not identified and helped early so doesn’t get the help they need.
1.4 Describe the purpose of individual plans for SEN children.
Some schools still have Individual Education Plans. Your school may now call these plans SEN Plans or Individual Education and Health Plans. It would be good to find out for you school what they are doing now. Read the summary about EIPs and then think about what you think they are for.
1.5 Describe the principles of working inclusively with disabled children and those with special needs
You probably know quite a lot about what inclusion is. You covered it in SWC and your school may have talked about it too. Look at the summary given out and do some thinking yourself about what inclusion does for children with SEN and disabled children. You may have an example you could use to illustrate inclusion in your school.
If you are doing Unit 18, make sure you complete this work ready for peer assessment next week.
If you are not doing Unit 18, I suggest you still do the reading because knowledge of special needs is important.
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Special Educational Needs and Disability
The legal entitlements of disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs (18 1.1)
Legal entitlements under the Children and families Act
The main aim of this act is to give support to children and young people with special educational needs or disability as well as their families. Under the act children and parents can get help from health care services and social care services as well as help in education. Children with educational needs can find it harder to learn than other people their age. This act means that they can get help right up to when they are 25, and then the council thinks they need longer to finish their studies. Act entitles them to: get education, health care and social care working together to help them do better. To know about their disability or special educational needs. Makes sure children, young people and families know what help they can get.
Legal entitlements under the Equalities Act
This act makes it unlawful to discriminate anyone under any of the following: age, gender, disability, religion etc. It is very important to know your rights as a disabled person. Under Equalities Act, disabled people are entitled to be treated equally and have access to education, employment, good, services, facilities and transport the same as others without disability. This act makes sure that people with disability are not treated differently no matter if they have a disability or not. Of course to be able to be protected by Equality Act, you must meet the legal definition which is defined as: ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.
The assessment and intervention frameworks for disabled children and those with special needs (18 1.2)
The benefits of early intervention for disabled children and those with special needs (18 1.3)
The purpose of individual plans for SEN and disabled children. (18 1.4)
The principles of working inclusively with disabled children and those with special needs (18 1.5)
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Assessor signature Date
We have been looking at the people who work in schools, both people employed by the school and those who are employed elsewhere but work in school. This unit is entirely knowledge based. That is it is all assignments. We shall be gradually building it up over the next few weeks, as we did with the communication unit. Getting this finished and signed off by Christmas would be a good aim
Assignment 1 Unit 6
Unit 6
2.1 Explain the strategic purpose of:
a) School governors
b) Senior management team (leadership team)
c) Other statutory roles eg SENCO, Safeguarding Lead Person
d) Teachers
e) Support staff
You are giving an explanation of what the role of these people is, just a summary of their role in the school as a whole. So, for example, when talking about teachers, it’s what teachers as a whole do, not details of each class, subject or key stage. We shall have talked about these in class.
2.2 Explain the roles of external professionals who may work with the school.
Similarly you are just explaining what the role of each of the people suggested is in the school as a whole, not for individual children. If you have had contact with any of these people, you could include a brief example in your assignment.
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Schools as organisations
Unit 6
The strategic role of : 6 2.1
a) School governors – chair of governors, governors
b) The Senior Management Team (Leadership Team) – headteacher, deputy headteacher, assistant headteacher
d) Safeguarding Lead (Child Protection Designated Person)
e) Teachers
f) Support staff
Teaching Assistants, behaviour or learning mentors
Lunchtime supervisors and school meals staff
Administrative staff
School caretaker (Site Manager) and cleaning staff
The roles of external professionals who may work with the school
Educational Psychologist
Therapists – speech and language, occupational health, physiotherapists
Specialist teachers or teaching assistants e.g. hearing and visual impairment, behaviour
Educational welfare officer
School Improvement Adviser
Other agencies – police, health professionals, social workers, housing department, charities such as NSPCC, Home Start etc
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