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Medical Terminology Notes

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Medical Terminology Notes
Medical Terminology

The ninth edition of the book is totally fine.YAY. But we need the book.
Do a browser check. Blackboard specialist (561) 868-3100

Three things due for each chapter.

1. Upload the test yourself stuff.(try to save it as a pdf file.)
2. If you close a test, you cannot re-enter the test.(matching)
3. At the end of each chapter there are purple or yellow ‘fill-ins”.
This is due 2:00pm at the NEXT class.

Bring scantrons

Dx- Diagnosis
Px- Prognosis
Fx- Fracture
Hx- History
Bid- Twice a day
Tid- Three times a day
Qid- Four times a day
PO- By Mouth
NPO- Never by mouth
Prn- As needed
ADL- Activities of Daily Living
WNL- Within Normal Limits
PERL- Pupils Equal Right Left
PEARL- Pupils equal and reactive to light
SOB-Shortness of breath
PID- Pelvic inflammatory disease
STI- Sexually Transmitted infection

Priapism- Persistent erection

Ureters = 2 tubes t 3’s, 2 kidneys(p3) *Hematuria = blood in urine*
Urethra= 1 bladder, 1 external opening

Cephalic- Head (p7)
Caudal- tail
Dextrocardia- heart on the wrong side
Idiopathic- No known cause

Subungual Hematoma (p8) -Blood underneath the fingernail

Thrombus- Blood clot (stationary) (p11)
Embolus - blood clot that migrates (emigrates)
Myocardial infarction- heart attack

Chapter 2
Amniocentesis (15wks) (p36)
Down Syndrome (p36)
Chorionic Villi (10 wks)


Supine- on the spine
Prone- face down

Sagittal (lateral)
Frontal (coronal)
Transverse (horizontal, cross-sectional, axial)
DPT- vaccine that is diptheria, pertussis, tetanus
Center of gravity (or center of mass)

Erythrocytes- This term has 2 r’s in it’s spelling, which I relate back to the 2 r’s in bone maRROW. The definition of erythrocytes are red blood cells which are produced in the bone maRRow.

Cerebr/o goes with brain because the cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, and the cerebellum is the “little brain”. If you just add “um” to the combining form “Cerevr/o” it makes the term Cerebrum.

Crani/o, which means head, so a good way to differentiate.

ph in pharynx makes and f sound, and food starts with an f. I know food can only go down one place, your throat! Which happens to be your pharynx.

As for larynx- Larry King has his own talk show, and to talk you need a voice. So Larry needs a voice box (LARYnx) to talk.

CATAbolsim = (CATAstrophe) - breaking down/ruining is the translation in my mind. So I know that catabolism is the process where complex foods are broken down into simpler substances.

Anabolism (ADD) supports the growth of new cells and builds up proteins to become larger.

Metabolism - combination of anabolism and catabolism.

September 11

Chapter 3

Hernias - Caused by overexertion of muscle. Can be very small,Not a big problem. When they are large, not bad. Necrosis is caused by strangulation of the organs, they become gangrenous.
Stomach protruding through the hiatal opening of the diaphram into the mediastinum.
Weakness in the valve, sometimes after you eat, the food comes back up. With that come digestive enzymes. Actually this is GERD. Perhaps a symptom of hiatal hernia.

Weakening in the inguinal crease.
(Found more in females)
Where the bellybutton is.

Valsalva maneuver- Bearing down.
If you THINK it’s a hernia, it may also be:
1. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
2. Infection.
James Gandalfini story, died just after flying to europe.

Streptococcus (“e” = b”e”rry= Chuck Berry did the Twist (twisted chains)
Staphylococci (staph clusters together at the water fountain- also berry shaped though)
MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococci)

You can lose your leg to a tiny little cut.

Chapter 4

rH factor
Rh- mother, Rh+ father
No problem with first delivery, problem AFTER 1st delivery
Mother produces antibodies to the Rh+ factor
Next pregnancy will fight Rh+ antigens
Hemolytic disease of the newborn, which can be fatal.
Make sure you understand this stuff…
She says if the mother gets a transfusion they are ok. (its really antibody inhibiting meds)

Autoimmune Diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis
Manifests as severe joint pain, particularly in the hands. Gnarled appearance.
Usually you’ll see a rash(sign).
Multiple Sclerosis
Demyelination of the nerves.
Graves Disease
Thyroid disease, eyes bulge.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehriks)
Muscle weakness and atrophy.
Hard skin??
The body kind of works against itself.

Reye’s Syndrome - Fatal, never give a baby aspirin with a fever.
Marfan’s Syndrome - Petus excavatum
Tall thin, armspan is long, thumb sign. Nearsighted(myopia).
Weakness of the connective tissue in the body.
Hardest substance in body (enamel on nails prevent chipping)
Periodontal membrane (ligaments)
Holds tooth in socket
Don’t touch them!
[[you use ice to slow down cellular metabolism]]
Re-implant the tooth within 2 hours.
Parotid Gland
Small Intestine
Jejunum ileum Large Intestine
Ascending colon
Transverse colon
Descending colon
McBurney’s Point (line between bellybutton and greater trochanter)
Rebound tenderness
Psoas Sign (L5origin - illeopsoas muscle- insertion lesser trochanter)
(severe abdominal pain)
Don’t use laxative!
If it bursts you get peritonitis.
Ruptured Spleen
Etiology(cause): Direct blow, active hx(history) of mono.
S/S : Kehr’s Sign (pain in R shoulder)[referred pain].
Splints itself (starts to bleed, closes up, bursts in the middle of the night)
Spleen fights infection, acts as reservoir for RBCs.
Mono causes enlargement of the spleen.
Bright red blood in the stool.
Maybe hemorrhoids.

Dental Caries
Fancy word for cavities.
Decay, sugar, acid, not brushing teeth, not flossing.
Bulemia- Binge→ purge. Russell’s Sign (callouses in specific places)
Barrett esophagus
Related to GERD.
Hepatitis B
Blood & Bodily fluids of inected person
Vaccination*** Everyone going into 8th grade gets vaccinated.
1, 2(4 weeks after 1), 3 (6 months after 1).

Chapter 6
Pyloric Stenosis
Narrowing of the muscle around the stomach.
Supposed to be the first born male.
Stool Guaiac Test - occult blood in feces
CT - computed tomography


Chapter 7 Urinary Tract
The bladder is a “balloon-like” structure, “flaccid” when empty and round when filled with urine. I always teach my students to empty their bladder before going into an automobile?
It’s easier to break a bladder that is full.
Sequala [what comes after?]
Urine could cause peritonitis.
Runner’s Bladder
In this case it is better to NOT totally empty your bladder (void), but have your bladder half full.
With a totally empty bladder, the “bouncing” or up and down movement while jogging/ running causes minor contusions to the bladder.
This will cause hematuria, which is normal finding in runners (but can certainly scare someone who is not aware of this.)
· Dysuria – Painful urination
· Hematuria – blood in urine
· Nocturia – Urination at night
· Polyuria? – Frequent need to void bladder
· Cystoscopy – visualization of the bladder and urethra
· Diverticulum – out pouching of intestine.
· Pyelonephritis enuresis – bedwetting due to kidney infection. · Ketoacidosis- a “sign” of diabetes; sweet smelling breath, occurs during a diabetic coma, often mistaken for someone who is drunk.
· S/S diabetes: o Lack of energy o Drastic weight loss o Thirst o Polyuria o Vision impairment o Poor circulation, wounds that don’t heal o RSD – Reflux sympathetic dystrophy o Tingling in the face Hyponaturemia
Fluid build up AND low concentration of salt in the body o Polydipsia – Drinking too much. o Radio Hosts sacked for Wii water contest –

Chapter 8 Female Reproductive System Inflammatory breast disease
Red and inflamed
Much more dangerous

Adenexal mass
Found in ovary or fallopian tube.
Leiomyomata uteri(Fibroids)
Almost always benign.
Bent backward (uteris)
D&C: Dilation and Curettage
Widening and scraping. Usually in the abortion.
Heavy bleeding
Lack of bleeding
Painful bleeding
Long cycle
Scanty bleeding
More often than once every 28 days.

Chapter 9 Male Reproductive System
Filled with water. Varicocele
Swollen veins
Filled with blood. Testicular torsion
Testicles twist inside the scrotum.
White milky discharch.
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Tuskegee Experiment
Penicillin was not given to the black males.
Killed Alcapone
Staging (of cancer)
Well differentiated; undifferentiated/poorly differentiated

Chapter 10 Nervous system
We have to know the cranial nerves.
On Old Olympus Tiny Tops, A Finn, A German, Viewed Some Hops.
Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Acoustic, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Spinal Accessory, Hypoglossal
Also know if they are sensory, motor, or both.
Some say, Marry money, but my brothers say, bad business marry money.
Autonomic NS: PNS
Pertaining to Nerves on the spine:
Posterior, afferent, dorsal, Sensory
Motor, Anterior, Ventral, Efferent

Terms to be familiar with:
Epidural Hematoma
Decompression (w/in ½ hour)
Drill intoskull to release bleeding(or pressure).
Subdural Hematoma
Slow, insidious bleed( hours to days to weeks to months) Intracerebral Hematoma
Bleeding within the brain itself
Essentially creating pressure. “Targeting” or “halo” test
To determine if there is blood or blood AND cerebrospinal fluid leaking (obviously worse)
Spina Bifida Occulta
Faun’s Beard is a sign
Hairy patch at base of spine. caused by lack of folic acid.
Status Epilepticus
One form of severe epilepsy; seizures usually last ½ to one minute if a person has a seizure upon seizure, they can have respiratory problems, and can be fatal. Post ictal - The state someone is in after a seizure. Very disoriented etc.
Easy test at home for someone w/ a high fever, severe sore throat (pharyngitis): ask them to touch their chin to their chest.
Bell’s Palsy
MOI (mechanism of injury): bacterial infection or draft, cold wind that affects the nerve on one side of the face. tPA- tissue plasminogen activator
Cerebrovascular Accident(CVA)
Quality of life medication fairly new to society(only the last fifteen to twenty years); MUST be given w/in 3 hours of CVA in order for it to be effective; giving after this 3 hour window can actually cause MORE intracranial bleeding and can be fatal.
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
“Mini” stroke.

October 16, 2013
Chapter 11 Cardiovascular system

Pulse points: Carotid, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, posterior, tibial, dorsalis pedis.
Never use your thumb
When taking BP reading, do not hold the stethoschope down w/ your thumb for the same reasons as stated above.
When jogging, check the radial artery NOT the carotid artery (carotid massage technique used for tachycardia, you are slowing your pulse and not getting a true reading.)
Ways to remember tricuspid (on the right side b/w the rt atrium & rt ventricle.
Tricuspid (right side)
Mitral valve (left side) as an “L” in it

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) – most common cause of sudden death in seemingly healthy athletes. The only way to detect this is with an echocardiogram.
Athletes heart- Because they work it, it’s larger. Sometimes the L ventricle is so large, it causes an arrhythmia.
Cardiogenic shock (any shock) can cause death.
Heart is not pumping blood around the body.
Deep vein thrombophlebitis(DVT)[[does she mean thrombosis?]] – often found in the lower leg.
Poor circulation.
Check temperature
Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) – benign condition, often antibiotics are given prior to dental work to avoid bacteria traveling from the mouth to the mitral valve and causing problems.
Cardiac tamponade: accumulation of fluid occurs around the lining of the heart (pericardium)
MOI: Direct blow to the chest (AA or athletic injury)
Thoracentesis is on the test.
Commotio Cordis
Hit in the heart at the wrong time, freaks your heart out and stops it.
There are additional cardiac arrhythmias not discussed in the book:
Asystole (flat line)
PVC (premature ventricular contractions)
Skippd beat papiations, flutter
2 irregular/ 3 irregular
Chapter 12 Respiratory System
Why are there 3 lobes on the right side of the lung and ony 2 lobes on the left?
To make room for the heart (an easy way to remember that fact).
Epiglottitis – extremely dangerous condition found in children; keep them calm; severe dyspnea if you panic, cause them more alarm.
Dysphonia- the way I like to remember this is the person has difficulty (dys) talking on the “phone”, so dysphonia is hoarseness or other voice impairment. Dysphagia – esophagus is for eating, so dysphagia is difficulty swallowing.
Additional pneumothoraxes not discussed in book:
Spontaneous pneumothorax
Air in chest cavity.
Blood in the chest.
Blood and air in the chest.
Tension pneumothorax
Air from a ruptured lung compresses the mediastinum, and compresses the other lung.
Wheezing – in asthmatics, more difficulty with exhalation than inhalation.
Idiopathic (no known cause)
Hypertension – actually a good warning sign; silent killer.
Information for test #3
Chapter 13: Blood System
*skin conditions are on the tests*
Granulocyte (Acute)
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas (descending proportion in a blood sample)
Poiesis/Poetin: Stimulatory effect on growth or multiplication of cells
-dysplasia: abnormal development

Blood Typing

Know Sickle cell anemia.
Chapter 14 Lymphatic System
Lymph node regions axillary Inguinal
Superficial cervical
R lymphatic duct
Thoracic duct
Cisterna chyli
Sentinel node is the main node, this is what is biopsied.
Peritoneal cavity fluid
Peritoneal fluid excess
Abdominal dropsy
Severe Liver disease
Metastatic Cancer
Chapter 15 Musculoskeletal System
Primary Curves
Thoracic, sacral = convex
Secondary curves
Cervical, lumbar = concave
Adam’s Position
Bending over, so the spine can’t be causing the curvature.
Kyphosis (humpback)
Lordosis (dramatic secondary curve)
Osteoblasts immature osteocyte
bone cell
breakdown bone cells
Bony exostosis, ectopic exostosis, Blocker’s exostosis, hypertrophic calcification
Bone where it’s not supposed to be.
Osgood Schlatter’s Disease
Bone gets pulled by the patellar tendon.
breaking down of vertebra
Usually occurs at L4 and L5.
[Malfeasance, Misfeasance. Nonfeasance]
Stork stand with Arch
Winged Scapulae
Serratus Anterior Weakness
Long Thoracic Nerve (bilateral)
Chapter 16 Integumentary System
Onychia- Inflammation of the nail bed.
Paronychia- inflammation around the nail bed.

Fungal infections
Tinea pedis foot Tinea cruris crotch Tinea corporis body Tinea capitis
Tinea versicolor spots that are different color
Treatment is selson blue shampoo
Other infections
Boil with one opening
Boil with many openings
Inflammation of follicle
Bacterial infection
Mycosis fungoides
Yeast infection, oral and vaginal
CHAPTER 17 Special Senses
OD-right eye
OS-left eye oculus dexter, oculus sinister
Chemosis-edema of conjunctiva
Anisocoria- unequal pupil size
Head injury, congenital
Nystagmus- “dancing” eyes
Brain tumors, otitis interna, congenital
Retinal Detachment
Symptom- flashing lights or a curtain falling down over the eye.
Surgery is usually required.
Blow out Fx
You can’t look up. The orbit is broken, muscle get’s caught. (something about blowing your nose after a fracture…)
Bloody mucus
Mastoid process - Battle sign(bruising right behind the ear…)
Rinne Test - tuning fork for bone conduction.
Weber Test- Tuning fork on center of forehead if there is unequal hearing, there is a head injury.
AD-right ear
AS-left ear auris dexter, auris sinister
Rose position- supine wiht the head over the table edge in full extenstion to remove tonsils…
Myringotomy- incision in ear drum to help drain fluid tubes in ears!
ototoxic (poison for your ears)
She’s talking about antibiotics.
Chapter 18 Endocrine
Hypothalamus- thermoregulatory center of brain.
Exophthalmos(proptosis)- bulging of eyes (Graves disease)
Enophthalmos- indrawing of eyes.
Cushing Disease
Rapid weight gain of the trunk and face
Central obesity
Buffalo hump fat pads in the clavicle and nape of neck moon face
Hyperhidrosis (excess sweat)
Hirsutism(lots of hair)
Purple or red striae(trunk, butt, arms, legs, breasts)
Tumor or disease of adrenal cortex
Tumor of the anterior pituitary gland aka adenohypophysis posterior- neurohypophysis

A is for Asymmetrical shape
B is for irregular Border(or bleeding)
C is for Changes in colour
D is for Diameter
E is for Evolving

In situ- Localized (as it sits)
Antiemetic- Prevents vomiting
Medical Specialties
Diagnose and treat diseases and injuries x-rays, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine, PET and US
Radiation oncologist utilized radiation in the tx of Ca
Nuclear medicine specialist
Administer radioactive materials to help dx and treat medical conditions
Radiology and
Sunrise view (patella)
b.i.d - twice a day
t.i.d - three times a day
q.i.d - four times a day
p.o. - by mouth
p.c. - after meals
p.r.n. - as needed
q. - every
F.A.T(female athlete triad)
Disordered eating
(Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy)
Temple Grandin

Good luck everybody! Merry Christmas!

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