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Uniform vs. Non Uniform

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Uniform vs. Non Uniform
The discussion about school uniforms has been going on for a very long time through schools in the United States. Some schools believe uniform helps with behavior problems and other believe no uniform is a way to express oneself. As a tenth grader at Orange High School, I personally am not a fan of uniform because I like to be creative with my outfits the way I dress is a very big extension of the kind of person that i am. Without that who would we all be? Uniform does not give students a sense of their own identity. The way they dress are representations of their personalities. Loryne R., a tenth grade student, when asked if she liked uniform said, “heck no, it makes me look like everyone else.” Students shouldn’t have to look alike. School should encourage standing out not making everyone look the same. Justin G., also a tenth grade student said, “I don't like uniform because it makes me feel like I'm wearing church clothes everyday.” As you can see I’m not the only one who finds uniform not to be a positive attribute to the school. “Clothes are a source of expression for children, and as kids get older, they become increasingly resentful of uniform by instituting a uniform policy, schools are taking away from kids’ individuality schools need to decide if that sacrifice is worth making.”- Dr. Alan Hilfer. To me the author of this quote meant that is the sacrifice of looking alike instead of individuality really worth the payoff in the long run. A survey done by David L. Brunsma from the University of Alabama said uniforms didn't make the students any more prepared than students who don't wear uniform and schools with uniforms test scores were not higher than those without uniform. The way you dress is an essential to their upbringings as they learn things about themselves. Schools who do not encourage uniform is a place that students would actually want to attend.
Making a strict uniform policy not only slows the process of self encouragement but makes the students feel bored. Dressing in uniform and everyone looking alike dullens a day. There isn't any excitement. That can cause a child to fall asleep during class. Then they will not have payed attention to the classes lesson. Which can be the reason for some students horrible report cards and overall the reason for schools low performances on state testing.
The only concerns that may evolve because of the non uniform schools would possibly be gang related problems and fashion battles. Gang related problems may occur because students would dress in certain colors causing beef with another student is in another color appearing to be in a different gang. Fashion battles would more so occur within the girls population of the school. Students will attend school trying to look better than others. Constantly thinking about looking better than someone else can cause stress among the students. Gang affiliated dressing and fashion battles could both end in fighting. Causing disruption to the learning. Although these problems can occur Not wearing uniform can also build friendships among all groups of people. In conclusion, wearing uniform makes a student feel as though their rights are being stripped from them. Students can not be branded into social groups if they can't wear what they want to make the first impression about themselves by the way they dress. Fashion is a way of life students should not be deprived of it. A students wardrobe defines who they are as a person. School uniform should not be enforced in schools in the United States. Students should be able to wear whatever they please.

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