Humanities 1 (Online)
January 28, 2013
The Rich and the Poor, Something’s Never Change
Today, in our nation there is a distinguishable difference between the rich and the poor. This is not a modern concept or a new way of life. This is how our nation and many others have been founded for thousands of centuries. The rich have the power to change things so that they continue to reap the benefits and the poor are always at the mercy of the rich. This can be seen as far back as the Egyptians.
The Egyptian royals had much nicer homes then those of the peasants. The royal houses were built along the Nile River. The close proximity to the Nile was a huge advantage for the Egyptian Royals. It provided a constant water and food source and was an invaluable asset to them. ( The Royal homes or estates were primarily made of mud bricks and stone.
They were designed with high ceilings, barred windows, tiled floors, and servant living quarters, beautiful flower beds, pools and some even had private shrines for worship located on the property. It also was not uncommon for them to have fish ponds filled with fish from the Nile. There walls were sometimes white washed or a few were even painted. The windows were placed as high as possible and covered with shutters or lattice to help keep out bugs, dust and the heat. Some were fortunate enough to have indoor bathrooms. They usually consisted of a tub that was made of limestone in which a servant would have to carry water in and douse you in it while you sat in the tub. The toilet consisted of a hole with a limestone seat placed on it and the waste would have to be removed by servants or would slowly absorb into the ground.
The peasants, merchants and noble’s houses were also made of mud bricks but usually could not afford the stone that the royals used to make
Cited: Daily Life In Ancient Egypt. Houses And Villages Of Ancient Egypt, A Feature Tour Egypt Story Houses of Ancient Egypt