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Pornogragraphy-Feature Article

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Pornogragraphy-Feature Article
Pornography- WRIGHT or WRONG

In the past, the Australian federal government has explored the issue of pornography and has attempted to find out if teenagers are damaged by it. This approach to pornography is based purely on a medical model of- can porn damage your health. In order to answer this controversial question, we resort to many standard methods of medical research. But how can this research see into the mind of a teenage boys and occasionally girls whose introduction to sex is too see actors displaying graphic images of themselves?
While medical models serve us well in

other aspects of everyday life, it has server limitations when it attempts to quantify the effect of addictive behaviour, such as pornography. The use of pornography may be seen as a light, because it is used to increase a bored or depressed mood, which leads us to a false world.

In know way can a false world be a positive benefit for any human, let alone a teen, as it does not encourage acceptance to your surroundings and who you are. In today's society, drugs, violence, sex and many other pressures are bombarded onto teenagers. With acceptance being a key to restrict many of these issues, pornography is in fact damaging our youths.

Pornography is a representation of a false world made of many ideologies where actors possess no self, no soul, of their own; instead they are the soul of others.
According to Dr. Dobson (Focus on the Family) "as, majority a male, is easily aroused by explicit material, pornography

is enticing, progressive and destructive. Over time the pornography needs to be more graphic and more perverse to get the same initial "high" that came when the person first started using this material. This can involve violating others to gratify himself in his sexual perversion ''

An alarming fact produced by the Australian youth facts and statistics, showed a total of 47% of teens between 11 and 17 are willingly exposed to pornography and a furthermore 25% were also unwillingly exposed, however did not display any distress from the content viewed. So, is it ok for our children to be sitting at home watching hours of explicit content? How does this affect the naïve journey into a private, intimate relationship? Will they be satisfies with a simple kiss goodnight, which symbolises love and compassion? Or will they be impatient, wanting merely the acts which have been seen in the explicit content.
Many would argue that life was not meant to be difficult, and if we can achieve something we want easily than, why not? When this attitude is carried out into life's pursuits, we are never challenged and never know how to strive to achieve. We remain shallow and never accept that patients is a virtue. We do not accept any idea which derives in a different direction to ours.

Pornography has no meaning other than to artificially lift our mood via sexual arousal, which is something that is harming our children. Something needs to be done, so we do not have extreme numbers of young teenagers typing XXX into their browser page. Instead of the media displaying sexual images they should encourage sexual love, to where a relationship is more than what they see on a screen or page.

Teenagers need to live in a true world full of real and liberating characters. Pornography should be avoided for the very same reason as people avoid casinos, because we now they represent unreal world that appeal to people's appetites but as we know can have disastrous effects.

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