Speaker Opposition Thank you Mdm/Mr. Speaker. Mdm/Mr speaker of the House, therespected panel of adjudicators, theever-precise timekeeper, my worthyopponents, ladies and gentlemenmembers of the parliament, goodmorning/afternoon to all.As the Opposition Leader, it wouldbe my duty to refute the motion for today
Internet Has Done MoreHarm Than Good To Students
. Webelieve that
Internet Has DoneMore Good Than Harm ToStudents
The government team, ladies andgentlemen may throw the sand of confusion and untruth in your face tohide the actual fact. However, I’mconfident after we are finished,everyone will be convinced and hadto agree with us on the contrary. On the whole, it seems that thedefinition offered by the governmentis compatible with ours. However, Iwould still like to speak a little on thematter lest there might bemisunderstanding over what we aredebating on. According to theLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English 2001,
means, a computer systemthat allows millions of computer users around the world to exchangeinformation.
means inflictphysical, mental or moral injury.Whereas, good means having theright qualities. And lastly,
mean someone, who is studying in a school, college or university. So thetopic means internet has inflictedmore physical, mental or moral injurythan providing good qualities tostudents, which we believe is nottrue.Before I proceed any further, let merebut on the point put forward by thePrime Minister.Therefore we, the opposition teamonce again refute the motion for today and we believe that
InternetHas Done More Good Than HarmTo Students.
Members of the parliament,As the Opposition Leader, allow meto provide you with the outline of myteam’s case. I will elaborate on howinternet can increase students’interest in learning. My DeputyOpposition Leader will elaboratefurther on how internet can developcommunication skill and how it canbreed independent learners.