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358 Words
November 26,2012
1st period

The novel that I have just read is called Night by Elie Wiesel. In Night, by Elie Wiesel the theme of the book is survival is evident throughout the novel. The importance of this is that Elie had to survive. He had to do anything possible to make sure he survived. Ellie got split up of from his mother and it was just he and his father and they had to survive.

‘Don’t kill yourself. There’s no hurry. But watch out. Don’t let the SS catch you.’[P.50]. This shows that the most important theme is survival because Elie and his father are not trying to stick out and get caught by SS men. This quote shows how survival was key to this book.

"I was a body. Perhaps less than that even: a starved stomach. The stomach alone was aware of the passage of time."
Ch.4. The food that the SS men gave Elie and the rest of the members of the camp bread and soup. The soup that they had given them was like water and they were sometime even starved by the officers. That’s how this quote represents the theme survival

"The snow began to form a thick layer over our blankets. They brought us bread- the usual ration. We threw ourselves upon it. Someone had the idea of appeasing his thirst by eating the snow. As we were not allowed to bend down, everyone took out his spoon and ate the accumulated snow off his neighbor's back. A mouthful of bread and a spoonful of snow. The SS who were watching laughed at the spectacle" (92). Elie and the other members ate snow off each other’s back because they were so hungry. They also had to find a to stay warm because the were walking in the snow. This quote really shows what Elie had to do to survive. I think the theme of the book night was survival was evident. The quotes showed what Elie and his father went through to try and survive in the camp. What do you think theme of this book is?

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