Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time. A punctual person in most cases will be a winner everywhere. A person who is punctual is always one step ahead of others. If one does not work promptly and punctually it is bound to have a negative impact of various aspects of one’s life.
Punctuality is essential for man in every walk of life and the same time it is fundamentally instilled in the character of every successful man too. For students it is a great blessing. If we are punctual we will get enough time to do our work according to our plan. Punctuality is inevitable everywhere. In business it is equally, if not, more important. If we want to be successful entrepreneurs and managers, we have to be very particular about time, ours and that of others. The failure to keep up an engagement punctually may mean a setback for business.
In schedule-driven jobs, unpunctuality can have a direct effect on a company’s bottom line. When calls go unanswered, deliveries are late or an assembly line can’t operate the impact is always tremendous. In other jobs, the effect might be more scattered but at the same time can also be significantly damaging, to both productivity and morale. In places like hospitals, punctuality can obviously make all the difference, of course between life and death.
A punctual person never faces any difficulty as far as time is concerned. He commands respect and admiration of all who work with him and is an asset to the organization that he is a part of. Everybody likes to work with such a person. On the contrary an unpunctual person sees himself in arrears as days pass and is gradually filled with despair. He generally causes inconvenience to others and is most of the time a liability.
If we study the lives of great men, we find that punctuality was one of the secrets of their success in life. The necessity of doing our work punctually should be felt more keenly because we live today in a complicated