
Huckleberry Finn Dialectical Journal

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Huckleberry Finn Dialectical Journal
The story-Huckleberry Finn-is written mostly using nefarious characters supporting the same immoral ideas. Ideas contradicting the protagonist. The quest to reach freedom in certain chapters becomes futile. But, the freedom-seekers do not quell to accomplish their journey. Jim an Huck have been deprived from their freedom and enmity was a part of daily life. I agree with “Leo Marx from Mr. Eliot, Mr. Trilling, and Huckleberry Fin” that in the end they are back to the beginning. Despite Jim’s declaration as a free man at the end of the story, my thoughts are that his freedom was lived and enjoyed on the river, island, and places explored with Huck. Jim, a mistreated slave in search for freedom, and Huck, fleeing the attributes of a physically

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