
Huck Finn vs Tom Sawyer

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Huck Finn vs Tom Sawyer
Huck Finn VS Tom Sawyer In Mark Twains’ Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck is a complex individual who is intelligent but also a tedious admirer. When Tom is not around, Huck is a leader and knows how to handle any trouble that comes his way. When Tom Sawyer comes around, Huck loses confidence and becomes a follower. As the adventure progresses, Tom makes an appearance and immediately takes control. Huck tries to voice his opinion, but is only criticized on how basic his plans are. Tom comments that Huck’s idea, in one case, is an “infant-school[y] way of going thing[s]” (180). Huck is more of a simple person, whereas Tom wants to make an adventure into everything he does. Huck having a simple mind does give him the advantage. When Tom comes up with these ridiculous plans Huck could step in and tell Tom about his own plans, but he never does. If the group were to follow through with Huck’s plans, they would not only save time but they would also save the risk of getting caught and getting into trouble. Huck is a shy guy with a simple imagination. He does not have the wild ideas as Tom does. Huck thinks that he is not as bright as Tom because he cannot come up with theses elaborate plans, so he thinks that his plans are stupid, but actually they are better. In this case, simple is better and Huck should have stood up for his ideas. When Tom and Huck tiptoed past Jim while he was in the kitchen, Jim came outside because he heard a noise. He says, “Who dah?” as he walks toward Huck and Tom and stands right between them without knowing (4). Jim sits down and says, “I’s gwyne to set down here and listen tell I hears it agin” (4). Jim soon falls asleep under a tree that he is laying against. Huck just wanted to get out of there, but Tom wanted to pull a prank before they left. Tom initial plan was “to tie Jim to the tree for fun,” but Huck said it would be too risky (4). Instead, Tom took three candles, and paid five cents for them as well as putting Jim’s hat on

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