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High School Students and Uniforms

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High School Students and Uniforms
High School Students and Uniforms The debate concerning uniforms for high school students continues to spark an array of various opinions. High school can be a very strenuous period for teenagers because of puberty, future plans for college, and trying to fit in with peers. When high school students are required to wear a uniform each day, the burden of back to school shopping tends to be lessened. Although the average student would probably disagree with a mandatory daily uniform, the concept is actually one that has decreased bullying and cliques. There has also been a reduction in potential before and after school mischief, an increase in academic scores, and students tend to be more prepared for life in corporate America. Although students that must comply with regulations, by wearing a uniform each day, may not recognize the beneficial factors, but uniforms tend to act as a social leveler. They also tend to close the gap between upper, middle and lower class families therefore, creating equality. In a uniformed environment, students do not feel as if they must compete with each other, and wear the trendiest name brand shoes or jeans. Studies show that schools with mandatory uniforms have a lower rate of gang activity and cliques. When all students are required to wear the same colors to school daily, an unsuspecting student will not be mistakenly wear gang affiliated colors putting his or herself in danger. Students are no longer ostracized because they are not dressed in the most expensive designer labels, or placed in a dangerous situation because they chose a shirt whose color just happened to be gang affiliated. They are actually able to concentrate more on their education and focus less on their wardrobe. Not all students are picked up and dropped off in front of school each day by a parent or a school bus. Some are required to either take public transportation from a designated area, or walk the entire distance home. Walking home can prove to potentially be a dangerous time, either because the student found mischief, or because mischief found them. When students are dressed in plain clothing they have nothing to distinguish one from the other, allowing them to believe that they maybe able to get away with a petty crime; however a school uniform will allow a student to be identified from a particular institution with little to no effort. Knowing this, students tend to use better judgment and not get themselves into trouble. Child predators also tend to realize that uniforms are more recognizable, and in some situations acted as a deterrent keeping the students safe. Schools that have been closed for unspecified reason will adopt uniforms as a dress code to increase academic standards once they are reopened. Uniforms tend to reduce behavior problems, thus creating a safer learning environment where more focus can be placed on learning. Uniforms tend to make students more conducive to a corporate dress code for life after education. They have no qualms about wearing a jacket and tie, or a skirt and stockings to work daily. There will always be controversy concerning uniforms for high school students; an infinite list of pro’s and con’s. By providing feedback to the parents they will realize all of the positive attributes a uniform can provide; such as a decrease in expenditures for back to school clothing, and an increase in academic scores because less time is spent dealing with behavioral issues and more time is spent on education. Studies also report that schools that have implemented a daily uniform policy have a decline in gang activity and cliques, and that class is able to begin on time because students have less hassle in the morning concerning what to wear. When a final conclusion is made, the decision should not only involve the school faculty and school board, but the parents as well. Afford them the ability to make a conscientious decision about their children’s daily wardrobe. Deliver the information in a concise, non biased method with documentation that can be easily understood. Allowing the parents to be involved in this major decision will cause the transition to be effortless.

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