
Examples Of Huckleberry Finn Identity

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Examples Of Huckleberry Finn Identity

Huck's Identity That The danger of not knowing who you are, this could lead to disastrous effects in your future life. Throughout the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the main character Huck is having adventures and trying to find out who he is. Through each step of the book, Huck tries to disguise himself as somebody else to see if maybe he's the character that he is playing. Finally at the end of the book he realizes he is the person who started out in the beginning of the book but with maturity and self identity. This whole book is about a character named Huckleberry Finn trying to find himself in the world, this should be more closely examined, why does he want to be someone else.?,
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Huck is a person who the author Mark Twain tries to portray as lost in himself as well as in society. Huck throughout the book is looking for an identity that he believes he will find on his journey down the Mississippi river. "I'd go down the river fifty mile and camp in one place for good, and not have such a rough time tramping on foot."(pg31) Why does he want to get away from his life? I think Huck's character is very independent and he has his own thoughts on where he wants to end up in life. In his old life everybody was always telling him what to do where to go how to eat and he was getting sick of it. On page 4 he says "All I wanted was to go somewheres; all I wanted was change , I warn't particular." He was looking to get out of his old life and into the life that he thought was right for him. Where there was no boundaries or limits, he wanted to be free from the shackles of Christian home …show more content…
They taught him what he already knew in the beginning of the book that he is himself. If he tries to hard be somebody else he is never going to achieve that self-fulfillment that he so desires in the beginning of the book. I also believe that his companionship with the black slave Jim helped to shape his character as a human being. "I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath,and then says to myself: All right then I'll go to hell– and tore it up."(pg206) I believe this is the exact quote that shaped Huckleberry Finn's entire character, he now rejected everything he was taught in the past and made his own judgements on people and things based on what they did for him. His love for Jim made him tear up that letter and it took a lot of courage and guts on his part to do it. "I shoved the whole thing out of my head, and said I would take up wickedness again"(pg206)he was putting everything that was the norm behind him, he was making hi own

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