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Discipline and Guidance

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Discipline and Guidance

Discipline is by no means punishment. It should be viewed as a learning/and or teaching experience. Understanding that all children learn at different developmental stages is detrimental in determining whether this is mistaken behavior or challenging behavior. Remembering that physical force and negative verbal feedback should not be used in the discipline process and could to lead harsher consequences for you. In understanding the use of proper guidance and discipline techniques in and out of the classroom, one must be aware of the developmental stages of children. All children begin at birth to develop certain patterns of behavior that they will carry on throughout their lives. Proper guidance and discipline will help the children to think and behave in appropriate and positive ways. When guidance and discipline are properly executed, the children will establish the proper skills to maintain appropriate behavior. A good understanding of children and guidance techniques is the basis for effective discipline. (NCAA – Guidance and Discipline 1995.) There is not a right way or perfect way to discipline. Every situation is different and calls for different measures to be taken, as well as children’s responses to the methods they use. It will also vary depending on the child’s developmental stage. It is also not clear what, if anything, the children learn when they are disciplined. So as we learn to focus on the behavior and not the child (ren), the outcome will be more beneficial for all involved. The misbehavior of a child is impossible to prevent completely. Having placed unrealistic expectations on the children will set them up for failure and unneeded mistaken behavior. Discipline is the foundation of success. We all have our own interpretation of what discipline is to us. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary (2005), discipline is “the practice of training people to obey rules or codes of behavior.” Discipline will help the child to develop self-control - to learn how to control his or her own behavior. According to the NHFR (National Network for Family Resilience), the top punishment used by parents is timeout and the usage is at 42%. However, instead of a timeout chair, how about a thinking chair? Giving the child a positive, productive direction for them to work toward, children must be aware of the fact that there are consequences for inappropriate behaviors. ( When using the time-out technique, the child is put in an area or another room, perhaps, away from the other children. This should only be a cool-down time. Giving time for the child to gather themselves and get a grip on the emotions they are experiencing, this should not be interpreted as punishment. The length of a time-out should be age appropriate. You may consider them to last one minute for every year the child’s age is. Using this method, may possibly teach the child (ren) to be less disruptive. Or the possibility of a time-in could be utilized. You will sit with the child and try to come to a conclusion as to why the child is upset. This is a more productive way to handle the situation. The child gets one -on -one time to discuss feelings or how the situation made them feel. As well as you the adult giving feedback suggestions on how to better handle the next time a similar situation arises. The ECEC (Early Childhood Education C enter) ( states: “Discipline provides an opportunity for growth and learning. They also recommend a variety of techniques. Setting limits, give clear and basic rules to help the children to guide their behavior – consistency, be sure to keep the limits and expectations consistent for everyone, including adults – soft but firm tone – and positive reinforcement, will assure the children that the situation is under control.” Positive reinforcement is the most overlooked and effective form of discipline. Praise is one of the best ways to receive cooperation from a child. Many children that will come to your classroom come from undesirable environments. As educators/role models to the children, we are responsible for finding strategies that will encourage them to change their challenging behaviors into positive and more productive behaviors. This would be more suitable for learning. It is our responsibility to respect and become knowledgeable of the stages of the children’s development. Knowing what to expect and having a clear understanding, you will be better apt to choose a discipline method that better fits the child and the occurrence.

Resources Cited

Weininger, O (1998). T.I.P.S. Time In Parenting Strategies
Early Childhood Education Center
NCAA –Guidance and Discipline (1995)
New Oxford American Dictionary (2005) (Child Guidance & Discipline Techniques)

Cited: Weininger, O (1998). T.I.P.S. Time In Parenting Strategies Early Childhood Education Center NCAA –Guidance and Discipline (1995) New Oxford American Dictionary (2005) (Child Guidance & Discipline Techniques)

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