Here is a list of qualities that I think all of us should look for in a friend. These are also qualities that we should be developing in ourselves. In order to have good friends, you need to be a good friend first! So let’s get started on quality number 1…
1. Trustworthy: Finding a friend that is trustworthy is like finding a gem. A person who is trustworthy is a person that you can trust and be confident in. They are a person who is reliable. They are a person that will remain faithful. They speak kindly about you, always do what they say, and keep their promises.
2. Selfless: This is one of my favorite terms. Selflessness is the opposite of selfishness. A selfless person is someone who puts others ahead of themselves. They do not choose to always be first or have their way. They are someone who seeks to love others and make them happy. Imagine two selfless people being friends. Chances are they would have a wonderful friendship because they would always be thinking of the other person first.
3. Good Communicator: Relationships take work. Having a friend who can communicate well is a huge bonus to a friendship. It is necessary to be able to talk about your feelings when seeking to have a healthy relationship. A person who can be honest and communicate what they are feeling will really help you learn how to love that person better. For example if you are best friends with someone and they feel hurt by something you said, wouldn’t you rather they tell you so you can work it out rather than them