One Day of Peter's life
(Story by Peter and Heidi Elliott)
I usually manage to be first at waking up — my brother Daniel (he's six) would stay in bed until seven o'clock. Mum can't understand it but it seems obvious to me that this is when the day starts, so why miss the beginning? After a quick warm-up and a chat we creep downstairs to see what's been left around from the night before, although Mum is wise to this and has usually put away anything really interesting.
The refrigerator is always a fairly good place to start, and cold rice pudding tastes much better for breakfast than it does for pudding.1 In fact I've tried most things at this hour, from cold stuffed marrow to raw sausages; some of it isn't recommendable and some of it can get you into a lot of trouble. Anyway, I can always make my own breakfast of cereals with plenty of sugar and not much milk. We made Mum's2 the other day but she didn't like the chopped peppercorns and Oxos3 that we added to it. Mind you, it didn't look too good.
Well, just when we get into a good game, Mum comes down and says that we have to put all the furniture back and get dressed. I always have the last say in what I'm going to wear, which is always jeans and a tee-shirt. I'm just not relaxed if I'm wearing smart trousers. I like a loose jacket and a hat; my old cowboy hat is a bit misshapen but I do not mind that, it seems to put me in the right mood for the day.
It's time to take Daniel to school. I really enjoy this trip at the moment because I've got a super little bike which I ride there and back. Well, I don't exactly ride it because both pedals have fallen off and the chain has snapped, so now it's more like a hobby-bike. I use my feet for brakes and propulsion.4 It works very well and my balance is now so good that I can ride my brother's big bike if someone helps me to get on and off.
When we get to Daniel's school I have a race around the playground and annoy a few of Dan's