Barnett M (2005) Caring for a patient with COPD: a reflective account. Nursing Standard. 19, 36, 41-46. Date of acceptance: October 15 2004.
Reflective practice has been a familiar topic in nursing journals and the term is regularly used in professional nursing practice. However, it was not until I used Johns’ (1994) model to analyse and explore my feelings and actions in daily practice that I fully understood the concept of reflective practice and discovered how it can enhance professional development. This article describes a reflective experience related to caring for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the community. The professional implications of this experience are explored through reflection. This exploration raised two main issues: the development of a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship and the feelings of guilt experienced when reflecting on whether I had let the patient down when most needed, in the final stages of her life.
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the community. This has enabled me to explore the meaning and significance of my clinical practice and to recognise the complexities within it. The experience raises a number of issues frequently encountered in daily nursing practice. However, for the purpose of this article, two issues will be discussed in depth. These relate to the development of a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship and dealing with feelings of guilt. The reflective process allows practitioners to question and analyse their experiences and actions as a means of developing their knowledge, skills and behaviour, to enhance clinical practice.
Margaret Barnett is COPD nurse specialist, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. Email:
Description of the experience
My work as a specialist nurse involves caring for and managing patients in the community with COPD. I had been caring for Mary (not
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