
Aubree Beagle: A Short Story

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Aubree Beagle: A Short Story
Aubree Beagle It was mid-winter in Salisbury, Vermont, 1956. The snow was starting to fall fast and the wind was picking up speed. “Father said that this was going to be the winter that comes back to bite us in the butt.” Said Ivy. Aubree had agreed with Ivy’s father, the winters here are always dreadful but the massive cold front from Canada would cause a record breaking winter in Salisbury. The two arrived to the small one story house. Three people lived with Ivy. John, Ivy’s older brother, Edward, Ivy’s father, and Betty, Ivy’s mother. “Ivy, you need to shovel the driveway.” Yelled Ivy’s father. “Ok!” Ivy yelled back. It had been an hour since Aubree and Ivy started and the …show more content…
He darted up pushing his cane out of the way. “WHO’S HERE?” “WHO IS IT?” He yelled as he stumbled over to the kitchen picking up one of the wooden chairs. “ANSWER ME!” Again he yelled. He fumbled into the front room and looked around with the chair waving over his head like a flag. He studied the room in great detail. Looking, scoping. He hadn’t seen anything so he turned to the idea of “I’m crazy.” But he listened closer, hearing a quick breath escaping something. He stumbled to the coat rack lifting it up and throwing it to the side. “I knew it.” He said. Aubree Beagle
Her heart was beating a million times a minute. She tried to lay still but she started to hear footsteps. The steps began to get louder and louder. And before she knew it the end of the rug closest to her was starting to shake. She quickly got up, with the rug still over her, and ran with all her might. “BOM!” “BOM!” She heard something smashing the floor with big thumps.
Once the rug ran out she hopped out from underneath and she was able to identify the thing hitting the floor and who had been yelling. It was an elderly, around sixty year old man. Frank

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