
America the Not so Beautiful

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America the Not so Beautiful
America the Not-so-Beautiful
Freedom is defined as the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement. It is the power to determine action without restraint and the exemption from external control, interference, and regulation. In the passage, Thomas Paine talks about how far America has come to have different races come together under one form of government. “We the people” is a commonly used phrase in this country. However, how free is this country that we so dearly love? America has changed dramatically from the country our founding fathers discovered. Some could even argue that we’re not really free at all anymore.
Our understanding of freedom has been shaped and molded based upon the founding fathers’ belief that all people are created equal and that the role of the government is to protect each person’s basic “inalienable” rights. The United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights assures individual rights including freedom of speech, press, and religion. Although in some ways people can argue that our country is still free, there is much evidence to prove this claim to be false.
The phrase “America, home of the free” is baffling. This statement is not only inaccurate, but a blatant lie on so many levels because it is not only a form of propaganda, but an unfair bait to foreigners. It not only makes America seem better than it really is, but it also makes other great nations seem worse. Another way that it is used as propaganda pertains to how it has been used during the War on Terror to arouse a sense of patriotism throughout the nation. "America is the greatest nation in the world" seems to cause most Americans to ignore major facts, such as the fact that America currently boasts the highest unemployment rate it has had in nine years.
This seemingly egotistical statement is also an unfair bait to immigrants. Most immigrants come to America in search of a better life, a life that allows for advancement and provides for themselves as well as

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