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56776081 Descriptive Phrases On Scenery

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56776081 Descriptive Phrases On Scenery
Descriptive Phrases on Scenery

- The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon-pink.
- The sun-lit sky and sea blend perfectly into each other.
- The awe-inspiring sun danced in from the horizon.
- Dews on the blades of grass sparkled in the sunlight.
- The sky was overwhelmed by crimson and amber-tinted clouds.
- The sun filtered through the clouds, signaling the end of the rain.
- It was a blindingly hot day and the humidity in the air was stifling.
- The whole landscape was bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun.
- A golden glow spread across the sky as the sun chased the dark clouds away.
- As the sun set, the few thin strips of clouds on the horizon turned shimmering gold.
- From freezing night, it turned to scorching day as the sun climbed towards its zenith.
- The sun rose in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling light all over the land and the white clouds.
- The morning sunshine wafted gently in, diffusing across the room. A mild heat radiated round, - wrapping us in an invisible shawl of warmth.
- The sky began to glow as the flaming orb rose from the horizon and ignited the sky causing it to burst into a bright, passionate mix of scarlet and yellow.
- The sky was a delightful expanse of azure blue. The clouds have no place in the morning sky as the majestic sun reigned supreme.

- The moon was abnormally large and it bathed the earth with its luminous glow.
- Fireworks blossomed in the night sky, turning to giant flowers of pink, orange and green.
- We could hear the chorus of frogs from the creek and the myriad softer sounds that stir in the night.

Lightning & Thunder
- Thunder came marching from far away with increasing tread.
- A thunderous boom reverberated among the distant mountains.
- A bolt of lightning tore across the sky and a peal of thunder followed.
- The sky seemed as if on fire - ablaze with streaks of luminous purple.
- A flash of forked lightning and a great clap of thunder came close upon each other.
- A deep, booming burst of thunder rumbled fiercely, followed quickly by bright, blue bolts flashing across the sky. For a brief moment the sky was illuminated and the clouds looked strange - both bronze and black at the same time, both magnificent and fearsome.

- The sky above was full of tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds.
- Rumbling clouds closed in over us, forming a thick, grey canopy.
- A cloud, ominous and black, drifted over the mountain and released a sudden shower.
- The sky seemed to be one huge grey cloud, with occasional chinks showing a brief glimpse of the bright blue above it.
- I was consumed in darkness. The slightest sound could even bring the bravest man down o his feet. My eyes darted around anticipating any sudden movements among the trees and bushes. The cold breeze that felt as soft as cotton made my hair stand on ends. The rustling of the leaves did not comfort me at all but instead I wished I were deaf than to hear such heart-stopping sounds that could make any person run helter-skelter.

Beautiful Scenery
- In the distance towered a snow-capped, beautifully symmetrical volcanic mountain.
- Thick, heavy branches and lush dense foliage provided a cool shelter for my languid afternoons.
- Washed and dusted, the trees glittered and the hordes of parrots came back to flash their rainbow bodies amid the timber more loquacious than before.

- The soothing, repetitive sounds of the lapping waves came together in a gentle, hypnotic melody, casting a spell of serene tranquility over the mesmerizing scene.

- The streetlamps from the surrounding rounds were casting a misty glow strong enough to silhouette a group of people making their way across the road.
- The alley was dark, bitter and cold. Sights of beggars filled the street. The place was like a pig’s sty – trash cans, pieces of torn newspaper floated around as the breeze went by. Scraps of food littered the place. Despite the blistering cold, she waited for him.
- All the lights in the houses were on. A row of lamp posts stood upright on the road-divider. The two lights on top of every post looked like the feelers of a cockroach, pointing horizontally at both sides of the road and staring at the incessant movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

If a person is angry
The look in his eyes made me cringe with fear. This man was infuriated. I could see the heat radiating through his body; the death in his eyes. He was out to kill.

- If a person is sad
Her face dropped quickly. She blinked quickly to hide the tears about to well up and overflow, spilling out of her eyes. She looked almost disgusted but I could tell that this was real sadness. She fell to the ground sobbing.

- If a person is tired
He dragged himself up the stairs, overusing the banister for support. His eyes were shut, opening a few times to see how many more of those giant steps he would have to climb. Just before reaching the top, he collapsed into a deep sleep. It looked almost as if he'd never wake again!

- If a person is stubborn
She raised both eyebrows and tilted her head. This girl was not going to back down. She placed her fists on her hips and started tapping her foot. She ended up getting her way again.

- If a person is frightened
He was so scared, I thought he'd die. His heart jumped. His face was flushed. In about a half a second, he passed out.

- If a person is surprised
The moment she knew she was just so shocked! Her hands flew to her face. Her jaw dropped. It was so unexpected!

- If a person is joyful
A smile she couldn't fight was permanently stamped on her face. She just lit up! Butterflies busted into her stomach! She was so happy, she cried!

- If a person is hurt
He just couldn't believe it. His face just changed. He was in so much pain! He rolled onto his side screaming, crying. He had never felt anything like it!

-His eyes bulged from the sockets and his face began to take on a crimson red. His eyes squinted and his eyebrows deepened as a loud shriek rang the ears of all around him.

-She sat hopelessly in the dark, rat-infested alley. As tears streamed down her dirt-streaked face and the strong stench of rotten garbage filled her lungs, she wondered what she had done to deserve such a life.

-She stumbled weakly into her bedroom after such an exhausting night. Her eyes were red and dark bags had formed underneath. She jumped into bed and fell asleep before she hit the pillow.

-She hovered quietly in the corner, trying to stifle her breathing. Her heart raced as she listened carefully for her attacker. Silent tears began rolling down her cheeks as she heard his footsteps approach.

-He lay helplessly on the ground. Pain surged through his entire body, as he weakly called out for help. His head was throbbing and fractured bones broke through skin and were exposed to the air. Blood leaked endlessly all around him.

The weather changed abruptly,strong winds started howling,dark clouds blanketed the whole sky,all these were followed by a heavy torrential downpour,as if Mother Nature had joined the somber gathering to bid the innocent boy goodbye.

You can’t fall if you don’t climb. But there’s no joy in living your whole life on the ground. –Unknown

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