
When Do Merges Create Value?

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When Do Merges Create Value?
When do vertical mergers create value?

This paper studies the market reaction to vertical mergers and explores the many rationales for vertical integration proposed in the industrial organization literature. Abnormal returns for vertical merger announcements are positive until the late 1990s, and turn negative afterward. Acquirers suffer most of the losses. We find support for the most fundamental insight in the industrial organization literature, namely, that vertical mergers generate the greatest value when undertaken in imperfectly competitive markets. We find some evidence to support ideas of asset and site specificity, that is, creating value when market exchange is difficult. We do not find support for information-based or price uncertainty theories.

If markets were competitive, with no frictions, then transactions between firms could be efficiently executed with arm 's length contracts. However, market frictions can lead to a rationale for integration and mergers. This insight can be traced back to Stigler (1950) and its implications are explored in numerous subsequent studies. In this paper, we classify mergers into vertical, horizontal, and conglomerate deals. We study the market reaction to these deals and, in particular, vertical mergers ' announcements and examine how they are related to the underlying rationales for vertical integration modeled in the large industrial organization literature. Although conglomerate mergers and horizontal mergers have been the focus of many studies, ours is one of the few papers that examine vertical mergers.

A significant obstacle to the study of vertical mergers had been the identification of vertically related transactions. Horizontal mergers are more easily classified and were studied by Eckbo (1983, 1985) in the 1980s and, more recently, by Fee and Thomas (2004), Shahrur (2005), and Gugler and Siebert (2007). Early researchers (e.g., Spiller, 1985) hand collected data on vertical deals and consequently had

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