
Root Metaphors as an Aid to Understanding Organizational Behaviour

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Root Metaphors as an Aid to Understanding Organizational Behaviour
Robert Allen 11500024
Root metaphors as an aid to understanding organizational behaviour and their relevance to organizations in a knowledge based economy.
The use of root metaphors to provide insight into organizations seems to be seen as a useful if limited way of understanding their complex natures (Morgan, 1997) (Andriesson, 2008), which may have been more suited to the industrial age. The rise of the Knowledge Based Economy (KBE) and post-industrial organizations pose further challenges to the effectiveness of root metaphors when attempting to understand organizations in what is now generally recognised as fast paced (Bart, Victor, and Stephens 1994), sometimes chaotic environments where knowledge and technology are seen as key drivers and understanding the present is as difficult as predicting the future. When faced with such uncertainty it could be argued that root metaphors are of limited use in understanding Knowledge Based Organizations (KBO) that are categorized as ambiguous, flexible, autonomous entities without mechanistic command and control structures (Handy, 1996) (Hesselbein, Goldsmith, & Beckhard 1997).Alternatively, the prevalence and longevity of these metaphors may indicate that they can still contribute to understanding organizational behaviour in a KBE. This paper will explore these positions with reference to Bentley Motors an organization that it can be argued is operating in a KBE.
At the heart of the machine metaphor is a set of assumptions and beliefs about the organization it attempts to describe, broadly concerned with quantifiable outputs, efficiency and structure, command and control and a prevalence for seeing people as a source of muscle not brain power (Town, 2011). On the face of it these assumptions would suggest that the machine metaphor has a limited use in a KBE as described by amongst others (Drucker, 1997) and (Champy, 1997) with their emphasis on an inherent flexibility to embrace change

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