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PSYCH 1101 Ch. 11

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3038 Words
PSYCH 1101 Ch. 11
Points Awarded 46.00
Points Missed 4.00
Percentage 92.0%

Correct 1.
For Freud, the moral guardian of personality is the ______.
A) superego
B) id
C) ego
D) libido

Feedback: Correct. The superego is the moral voice.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): A

Correct 2.
You are quite hungry but don't have a dime to your name. If you were described as "all id and only id'" what would you do?
A) Use the defense mechanism of denial to thwart the hunger pangs until an appropriate meal can be obtained.
B) Distract yourself with images of food.
C) Steal a hot dog from the vendor on the corner.
D) Run all the way home to get something to eat as soon as possible.

Feedback: Correct. Someone who is all id would have no ability to delay gratification and would do what they felt they needed without regard for rules or standards of right and wrong.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 3.
Which of the following statements is criticism that one might legitimately make about the humanistic perspective of personality?
A) it's concept of womb envy cannot be empirically validated.
B) it paints too rosy a picture of humanity, ignoring negative aspects of human nature.
C) it spends way too much time looking at unconscious determinants of behaviors.
D) it relies far too much on the influence of environments

Feedback: Correct. Some argue that humanism does not pay adequate attention to unpleasant or negative human qualities.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Incorrect 4.
"Children who watch violent cartoons will become more aggressive." According to the scientific method, this statement is most likely a ____________.
A) conclusion
B) result
C) hypothesis
D) fact

Feedback: Incorrect. This is merely a testable statement about the effects of violent cartoons on children's behavior.
Points Earned: 0.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 5.
An investigation of students' housing preferences would probably show that single rooms are preferred by _______whereas suites are preferred by _______.
A) good students; poor students
B) introverts; extraverts
C) extraverts; introverts
D) poor students; good students

Feedback: Correct. Introverts like to spend time alone and would enjoy the single room; extraverts are more outgoing and would probably prefer the suite.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 6.
In the classic sitcom The Odd Couple, it was amazing that Oscar and Felix got along because Oscar was such a slob and Felix was so obsessively neat. From a Freudian perspective, what could be said about the way these two men made it through the anal stage of development?
A) Neither Oscar nor Felix were anally fixated. They just had different personalities.
B) Oscar was anally fixated, but Felix was not.
C) Oscar and Felix were both anally fixated, but in different ways.
D) Felix was anally fixated, but Oscar was not.

Feedback: Correct. Oscar would be described as anal expulsive, and Felix would be described as anal retentive.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 7.
A person who has suffered a major stroke and is now experiencing severe personality problems because of the damage would BEST be advised to see a _____________ because this problem appears to have a significant medical component to it.
A) psychiatric social worker
B) psychiatrist
C) cognitive psychologist
D) psychologist

Feedback: Correct. A psychiatrist has a medical degree.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 8.
All parents think their little kids are geniuses. However, to be classified as a genius, the IQ score must be above __________.
A) 120
B) 130
C) 150
D) 140

Feedback: Correct. The IQ of a genius is above 140.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 9.
From what Latin phrase is the term superego derived?
A) "without morals"
B) "beyond me"
C) "above the rules"
D) "over the self"

Feedback: Correct. Superego means "over the self" in Latin.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 10.
Which classification of developmental delay affects most of the population classified in this fashion?
A) severe
B) moderate
C) profound
D) mild

Feedback: Correct. Ninety percent of developmentally delayed people are classified as mildly delayed.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Incorrect 11.
What percentage of the population is described as gifted, according to IQ standards?
A) 2 percent
B) 01 percent
C) 10 percent
D) 1 percent

Feedback: Incorrect. Two percent of the population is described as gifted.
Points Earned: 0.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): A

Correct 12.
Which was NOT a finding of the Terman and Oden (1974) study of gifted kids?
A) They were above average in weight, height, and physical attractiveness.
B) They were clearly much more likely to be females.
C) They were more resistant to mental illness.
D) They were socially well adjusted.

Feedback: Correct. It was not found that they were more likely to be females.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 13.
The _____________ theory of personality has its basis in the theories of learning, and focuses on the effects of environment on one's personal characteristics and actions.
A) behaviorist
B) psychodynamic
C) trait
D) humanistic

Feedback: Correct. Behaviorism focuses on the influences of learning theories and the environment.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): A

Correct 14.
A patient waiting for an appointment with Sigmund Freud looks around the room to see who lse is waiting. Who among the following is most likely to have been one of Freud's patients?
A) Hal, a coal-mine worker who is severely depressed
B) Mario, a soldier who is suffering from a hysterical disorder
C) Angela, a maid, who is severely depressed
D) Sue, a wealthy woman who is suffering from sexual repression

Feedback: Correct. Most of Freud's clients were wealthy women.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 15.
People began measuring intelligence through tests roughly__________ years ago.
A) 200
B) 500
C) 50
D) 100

Feedback: Correct. Intelligence testing is roughly 100 years old.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 16.
Carl Jung's term for the part of our personality that Freud referred to as the unconscious was the _____________.
A) archetype
B) personal unconscious
C) collective unconscious
D) animus

Feedback: Correct. The personal unconscious of Jung's theory was analogous to Freud's unconscious.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 17.
According to Rogers, which of the following people is MOST likely to become a fully functioning person?
A) someone with a strongly developed superego
B) someone with an extraverted personality
C) someone brought up with unconditional positive regard
D) someone brought up with conditional positive regard

Feedback: Correct. Rogers believed that someone brought up with unconditional positive regard was most likely to become a fully functioning person.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 18.
Karesh is from India and really cares about others' welfare. His wife is Chinese and he is known for the fact that he does not adhere to strict rules and regulations. He is tolerant of others and plans to become a social worker. According to Hofstede, what type of cultural personality would Karesh be?
A) highly individualistic
B) low in uncertainty avoidance
C) feminine
D) highly masculine

Feedback: Correct. Cultures low in uncertainty avoidance are tolerant of uncertainty, less rigid, and not rule based.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 19.
Which of the following is NOT one of the three areas of intelligence described by Sternberg?
A) practical
B) analytical
C) creative
D) exponential

Feedback: Correct. Exponential intelligence is not a term used by Sternberg.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 20.
You are about to undergo delicate brain surgery that requires great skill on the part of the surgeon. As the surgical team wheels you into the operating room, you hope the surgeon has a high level of _______.
A) extraversion
B) ego
C) superego
D) self-efficacy

Feedback: Correct. Self-efficacy refers to one's perception of how effective a behavior will be in any particular circumstance and is related to confidence.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 21.
Which of these is an element of the formal definition of mental retardation?
A) slower than normal reflexes
B) onset of deficits prior to age 6
C) evidence of brain damage
D) IQ below 70

Feedback: Correct. An IQ below 70 is an element of the formal definition of mental retardation.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 22.
The first true longitudinal study of the effects of giftedness on social success was conducted by ______________.
A) Wechsler
B) Binet
C) Terman
D) Merill

Feedback: Correct. The first true longitudinal study of the effects of giftedness on social success was conducted by Terman.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 23.
Personality assessments conducted by behaviorists rely primarily on ____________.
A) detailed analysis of dreams
B) interviews
C) projective tests
D) direct observation

Feedback: Correct. Direct observation is the underlying mechanism for behaviorists.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 24.
Which theory of personality was a direct reaction against the psychoanalytic and behaviorist perspectives?
A) trait perspective
B) projective perspective
C) humanistic perspective
D) inventory perspective

Feedback: Correct. The humanists focused on the individuality and personal freedom of each human being, in reaction to the limiting nature of the other two models.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 25.
Tony has devised a test in which people look at clouds and talk about what they see. What type of test would psychologists call this?
A) dynamic
B) projective
C) predictive
D) objective

Feedback: Correct. A projective test is one in which a person is shown a series of ambiguous pictures or inkblots and is asked to describe what he or she perceives; clouds can be perceived as looking like various objects or figures.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 26.
Which of the following is correct concerning cross-cultural studies on trait theories?
A) No evidence has been found to support these theories.
B) Most cultural research methods are too vague to be validated.
C) Research in this area is too new to report any findings.
D) Evidence for the five trait dimensions has been found in several cultures.

Feedback: Correct. Research shows over 11 cultures with the five trait dimensions.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 27.
Gardner and his associates are known for proposing ______.
A) the theory of emotional intelligence
B) the Triarchic theory of intelligence
C) the theory of multiple intelligences
D) the generalized theory of intelligence

Feedback: Correct. Gardner and his associates are known for proposing the theory of multiple intelligences.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 28.
What did Terman's groundbreaking study of gifted children accomplish?
A) It proved that gifted children and adults are more prone to mental illnesses or odd behavior than other groups.
B) It put to rest the myths that existed about genius in the early part of the twentieth century.
C) It demonstrated genius is the only factor that influences real success in life.
D) It demonstrated that they also have more than their share of failures.

Feedback: Correct. Terman's groundbreaking study of gifted children put to rest the myths that existed about genius in the early part of the twentieth century.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 29.
There were three friends. Harry was rational, logical, and cunning. Hermione was rule oriented, moral, and always ethical. Ron was pleasure seeking, found it hard to delay gratification, and usually just did what he wanted. According to Freud, Hermione was mostly ____________.
A) superego
B) ego
C) id
D) oedipal

Feedback: Correct. The ego is rational, logical, and cunning.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): A

Correct 30.
Psychological tests that yield relatively consistent results are said to be __________.
A) reliable
B) valid
C) standardized
D) normed

Feedback: Correct. Psychological tests that yield relatively consistent results are said to be reliable.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): A

Correct 31.
Which of the following was NOT a neo-Freudian?
A) Horney
B) Adler
C) Rogers
D) Jung

Feedback: Correct. Carl Rogers was a humanist, not a neo-Freudian.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 32.
Which neo-Freudian viewed personality disturbances as resulting from the feelings of inferiority all people share?
A) Carl Rogers
B) Karen Horney
C) Alfred Adler
D) Carl Jung

Feedback: Correct. Adler viewed personality disturbances as the consequence of feelings of inferiority.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 33.
According to Carl Rogers, anxiety and neurotic behaviors occur when _______.
A) there is a discrepancy between the real self and ideal self
B) the individual receives too much unconditional positive regard
C) a person has low self-esteem
D) there is matching between the real self and ideal self

Feedback: Correct. According to Rogers, the real self and ideal self must be in harmony with each other in order to prevent psychological problems and troublesome behaviors.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): A

Correct 34.
A theory of intelligence with nine components was postulated by ________.
A) Terman
B) Sternberg
C) Spearman
D) Gardner

Feedback: Correct. A theory of intelligence with nine components was postulated by Gardner.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 35.
The job of the _________ is to find practical ways for the _________ to get its pleasure needs met without offending the morality of the ________.
A) superego; id; ego
B) id; ego, superego
C) ego; superego; id
D) ego; id; superego

Feedback: Correct. The ego mediates the pleasure needs of the id with the moral needs of the superego.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 36.
A famous psychologist argues that there are three factors that influence personality: environment, person, and behavior. This psychologist is most likely a ______ psychologist.
A) psychodynamic
B) social cognitive
C) trait
D) psychoanalytic

Feedback: Correct. Social cognitive psychologists focus on the interaction of environment, person, and behavior.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 37.
One of the dangers of taking online personality tests is ____________.
A) there is a small normative group
B) they are all invalid
C) there is no face-to-face contact to help put the results in perspective
D) there are too few of them

Feedback: Correct. Putting the results in perspective is important and online tests do not do that.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

Correct 38.
The pleasure principle is associated with which element of Freud's personality theory?
A) superego
B) id
C) ego
D) preconscious

Feedback: Correct. The id is associated with the pleasure principle.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 39.
"If it feels good do it" best describes the ______________.
A) preconscious
B) superego
C) ego
D) id

Feedback: Correct. Freud used the term id to describe the primitive side of personality.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Incorrect 40.
Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of ____________.
A) crystallized and visual-motor abilities
B) general intelligence and specific abilities
C) analytical, creative, and practical intelligence
D) verbal and mathematical abilities

Feedback: Incorrect. Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of general intelligence and specific abilities
Points Earned: 0.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Incorrect 41.
When Freud referred to the sexual drive of babies and young children, to what was he really referring?
A) the fact that children need to be taught about sexual morality from a very early age
B) the fact that sexual orientation is established from birth
C) all of the above
D) the fact that children focus on their bodies to give them physical pleasure

Feedback: Incorrect. While this may have been the thinking of the era, it is not what Freud was referencing in his theory.
Points Earned: 0.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 42.
When Anna looks at some modern artwork at the museum, she often thinks she sees human figures or faces and likes to make up stories about them. When she tells the stories to her friend, her friend says that the stories reflect Anna's unconscious thoughts. In psychological terms, what Anna does is most similar to ______.
A) an objective test
B) behavior sampling
C) classical conditioning
D) a projective test

Feedback: Correct. Projective tests use ambiguous stimuli in the hope that the subject will project unconscious thoughts and feelings onto them.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 43.
Research on _____________ supports the hypothesis that personality differences are due in part to genetic differences.
A) the heritability of traits
B) the use of defense mechanisms
C) peak experiences
D) unconditional positive regard

Feedback: Correct. Research on the heritability of traits supports the hypothesis that personality differences are due in part to genetic differences.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): A

Correct 44.
Many have compared Freud's idea of the mind to an iceberg. If that were the case and you were standing on the deck of a ship in Alaska, what part of the mind would you see above the water?
A) superego
B) ego
C) id
D) preconscious

Feedback: Correct. The ego is the part of the mind that is conscious and in view.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 45.
In Sigmund Freud's theory, the _______ operates according to the pleasure principle.
A) superego
B) id
C) ego
D) thanatos

Feedback: Correct. The pleasure principle is the operative principle for the id.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 46.
According to Albert Bandura, a person's belief about his or her skills and ability to perform certain behaviors is known as ________.
A) self-efficacy
B) phenomenology
C) locus of control
D) reciprocal determinism

Feedback: Correct. Self-efficacy refers to one's perception of how effective a behavior will be in any particular circumstance.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): A

Correct 47.
_____________ theory is called the third force in personality theory.
A) Behaviorist
B) Cognitive
C) Psychoanalytic
D) Humanistic

Feedback: Correct. Humanistic theory is called the third force in personality theory; the first two are psychoanalytic theory and behaviorist theory.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 48.
In Carl Rogers's theory, our perception of our abilities, behaviors, and characteristics is known as ________.
A) self-esteem
B) personality
C) self-regard
D) self-concept

Feedback: Correct. In Carl Rogers's theory, the image that we have of ourselves, including abilities, behaviors, and characteristics, is known as the self-concept.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): D

Correct 49.
According to Karen Horney, what causes us to develop a neurotic personality?
A) failing to adequately resolve the Oedipus complex
B) being raised without love, affection, and security
C) conflict between the anima and the animus
D) getting fixated at the oral stage of development

Feedback: Correct. Horney suggested that the way we are raised determines the health of our adult personality.
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): B

Correct 50.
According to Freud, the second part of the personality is the ego, which gets its name from the Latin word for __________.
A) "pride"
B) "right"
C) "I"
D) "self"

Feedback: Correct. Ego comes from the Latin word for "I."
Points Earned: 1.0/1.0
Correct Answer(s): C

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