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Moral Studies

The process of globalization and the so mentioned borderless world are the current most debated phenomena, globally. It is to be said and believed that these popular topics are prone to many negative effects in many aspects, such as individually, society and also the nation. Each and every responsible human being plays a very important role in debating this issue. Besides that, the other issue that has always been debated is about the social problems that involves teenagers. For instead, problems such as drug abuse, pregnancy out of wedlock and gangsterism. This assignment gives us an opportunity to learn and educate ourselves more regarding these particular issues. Therefore, by completing this assignment, we will be able to also educate the young generation on these issues and also give them a proper exposure to the current most debated issues around the world.

Introduction Globalization is a progress where countries are developed according to its nature necessities , where it is the development of an increasingly integrated global economically marked , which is done specially by free trade , free flow of marketing and also the tapping of free labour marketing , worldwide . We hope that this particular assignment question will guide us in gaining more knowledge on the different approaches in the progress of globalization . Besides , this topic will also guide us in practising a fair economical trade around the world .

It is a helpful question for us to do and to gain knowledge . Moreover , we are able to learn more about the negative effects that are hidden over in this particular assignment .

Question One Progress of globalization and ‘ borderless world ‘ are the phenomena being debated currently . These progress have negative effects in the terms of moral , social and political aspects . Discuss this statement together with the relevant arguments .

Globalization is a phenomenon on over the world, so it affects all countries, all aspects of our daily life, such as society, culture and economics .Globalization is best to known as a process of growing integration of economies and societies around the world. Globalization is not only a tendency any more but also a fact. We can understand it as a process by which people around the world are gathering into a single society and function together. In this process, there is combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural and political forces. In most cases, however, Globalization refers to economic globalization through trade, foreign , capital flows, migration and the spread of technology. For this field, the principle of globalization bases on the combination of economic theory about free markets, reducing barriers in exchanging and trading goods that makes the specialization in export-import.

Globalization is a very controversial issue today. Opinions vary considerably over its pros and cons. Here we take a look at its negative effects.

In the other hand, globalization has also generated serious international opposition over concerns that it creates increased inequality and environmental degradation. We know that internet is a good tool for us to connect with outside world, but its development can be harm for society in the aspects of ethics if we use for wrong purposes. For economic aspect, while it is true that globalization encourages free trade among countries, there are also negative consequences. Many poor countries have to accept globalization to let the foreign businesses investors from larger countries come to take advantage of the lower wage rate and their natural resources. The main export of poorer countries is usually agricultural goods, but larger countries often subsidize their farmers. It causes the inequality in trade. In addition, reducing tax sometime just bring the benefit for rich countries than for developing countries like Vietnam.

More than that, another bad consequence is the increasing inflation rate. An example to make it clearer is the inflation in Zimbabwe in 2008. Going with super inflation rate, world financial crisis is a serious problem of all countries. Up to 80% of global wealth had been destroyed by the global financial crisis in little less than a year and a half , that need to be solved as soon as possible. You can imagine 20 billion dollar Zimbabwe only exchange 1 USA, but in black market 90 billion exchange 1 USA.

Furthermore, developed nations have outsourced manufacturing and white collar jobs. That means less jobs for their people. This has happened because manufacturing work is outsourced to This is one of the negative aspect that globalization bringing up. Prisoners and child workers are used to work in inhumane conditions. Safety standards are ignored to.
Other than that, Job insecurity. Earlier people had stable, permanent jobs. Now people live in constant dread of losing their jobs to competition. Increased job competition has led to reduction in wages and consequently lower standards of living. Terrorists have access to sophisticated weapons enhancing their ability to inflict damage. Terrorists use the Internet for communicating among themselves. Companies have set up industries causing pollution in countries with poor regulation of pollution.

However, due to the influence of western cultures, many people, especially younger generations, have inherited the habit of eating fast foods and drinking sodas. This explains the proliferation of fast food restaurants all over the world. The problem that may be caused by forming a habit of eating fast-food instead of native food increases the risk of people to certain diseases and conditions. To prevent the loss of a country’s unique cuisine, there should be an advocacy to patronize native food because, not only does it give people energy and sustenance, it also helps establish cultural identities. Due to globalization, the importance of learning English has greatly increased. Globalization has created a modern global village wherein the main language of communication is English. Modern society expects people to know how to speak English. Because it will be very much useful in the future to communicate with people around the world.

Reference ( 30th June 2013 ) ( 15th March 2013 ) ( 12th April 2013 ) ( 19th June 2013 ) ( 25th June 2013 ) ( 7th July 2013 ) ( 9th July 2013 )

Conclusion By doing this question , we have learned that the progress of globalization has increased globally with particular factors and reasons . This is a progress whereby , national barriers are kept aside by every country and practice the term called ‘ unite ‘ . They make up a term under this word , and work accordingly to witness the progress of this development . Therefore , this question has helped us , firstly to know and study about the different stages of this progress . This has also helped us in sharing our knowledge to others based on the reference and positive feedback we’ve received , Thank you to those who’ve helped us gain and practice this habits of educating others about the current world issues .

Introduction The second part of this assignments is about the social problems that teenagers are up to these days. For example , drug abuse , pregnancy out of wedlock and also gangsterism . These are some of the few problems that are affecting teenagers nowadays . There isn’t any powerful action taken to reduce the amount of these social problem , whereas , it has only been increasing day to day . Therefore , we hope that , by completing this assignment , we will be able to educate ourselves as well as the upcoming generations about the adverse effects of this social problems that teenagers this days are involved in . Besides that , it will also educate the future generation to be more thoughtful and wise when they are being social with others . This assignment will also help them read through the factors causing these problems and also the suggestions of ways to overcome this problem .

Question Two Drug abuse , pregnancy out of wedlock and gangsterism are among the social problem affecting part of our teenagers currently . In your opinion , what are the factors causing these problems and suggest how we can overcome it .

Pregnancy out of wedlock , drug abuse and also gangsterism are social problem that are currently affecting teenagers . As of to start , a recent studies in the United States of America stated that the amount of teenage pregnancy cases has arose 57% from 1980 to 1992 , an average of 4% per annum . Besides , from 1992 to 1998 , the pregnancy rate among girls aged 14 to 17 still remained stable . The actual definition for pregnancy out of wedlock is defined to a child who is born to a parent who are not legally married and has led an unhealthy relationship . Trends in fertility rates have been increasing widely by the changes in the prevailing attitudes towards marriage and the formation of parenthood . By all , marriage means that legally married couples are living in a legally declared partnership . Reducing the rate of teenage pregnancy will also help decrease the percentage of out of wedlock childbearing , and help increase the percentage of child who is born to legally married couples . There are few reasons for pregnancy out of wedlock , such as less parental guidance , teenagers who are social , emotionally excused and parents who provide less supervision . Firstly , teenagers who have less parental guidance . Teenagers with this problem are more disturbed unlike others , and have more unhealthy freedom compared to others . Parents do not allocate enough time to spend and listen to their children’s thoughts regarding the personal issues that they may have . Parents are more focused in finding money rather than in giving a proper guidance . Such behaviour from parents makes their children feel lonely and ought to find for mates out else , and this may end in unwanted situations because , teenagers , mostly young girls involve themselves in sexual scenarios . Teenagers become very social and comfortable with the new people they have met , and involve in social activities . Besides that , parents don’t provide their children’s with proper religious teaching whereby , children’s tend to fall for the wrong path . Moving on , teenagers who are given the extreme level of socialism freedom . Teenagers these days are being very active and social over many addictive things such as consuming alcohol , drugs and also unhealthy relationships . Besides that , many other behaviour such as having temporary relationship on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter also creates negative anxiety among teenagers these days . And mostly , these kind of relationships is taken to the next level by having sexual connections which results in unwanted situations like pregnancy out of wedlock . Teenagers are not aware of the negative effects they are about to face until they have faced such shameful situations . This situations happens because of parents who don’t mind their children’s being comfortable and social with strangers . Besides that , the other reason would be teenagers who are emotionally affected . Teenagers who are emotionally effected are always in the urge of finding for something social and wild to do . They would need a place or a person to share their emotional moments . They would probably need a company to calm them down . This ‘ friendly relationship ‘ will then eventually lead to an intimate relationship , where the male figure would take their relationship to an unwanted situations . This will also lead to a negative situations likewise . These would lead to many negative effects and one of them will be bringing a bad name to family , friends and also the society . Therefore , teenagers should be aware by being less social to whomever they are mixing around with . Nextly the reason is that parents who don’t provide enough supervision for children’s . Studies shows that teenagers should have enough supervision from parent especially of the age group of 14 to 16 . Parents are more prone in finding for luxury rather than spending time and providing enough supervision for their children . Risky sexual behaviour is likely to occur when there is less supervision from parents , and also less monitoring from parents would also lead to an adverse effect . As an educated and responsible parent , they should provide an additional support , supervision and adequate time for their children . Parents should be smart in handling emotional days , as their also growing into young adults . This would guide them in improvising themselves within a short period of time , and less risky situations are likely to occur . As an educated parent , parents should be able to communicate wisely to their children’s . They tend to make a lot of mistakes , and therefore as a parent they should provide them with proper guidance . Parents should educate their children with proper religious education . For example , parents should send them to classes that are conducted based on religious preferences . This will help them get more self confidence and this would teach them to respect themselves better . Besides that , as a responsible teenager , we should learn the effects and adverse situation we will be in by involving ourselves in such negative acts . Nevertheless , teenagers should also be less social with strangers or people whom they’ve just met . Having sexual relationships with strangers will spoil their future , and also would bring a bad name to their family and also to the society . Moving on , the other social problem that the teenagers are prone to these days are drug abuse and gangsterism . Starting of , teenagers are more likely addicted to drug these days rather than video games or sports . Gangsterism has also become a street game to them .It has become a trend to teenagers these days to try out drug , as of it’s a sweet . Drugs are classified as a chemical that changes how your body works . Once these chemicals are inside your brain , they change the messages that your brain s sending you and to the rest of your body , leaving you less conscious and weakened . Drugs can be addictive if you’re prone to them . There are many types of drugs . For example , stimulants , depressants , inhalants , cannabinoids and also hallucinogens . They are classified as such because the vary in many forms and they all have their very own adverse effects . Talking about teenagers who have been drug abusers . There are many reasons why teenagers are addicted to drugs at this very young age . This is because some of them want to try out what they are friends or colleague is about to do , emotionally disturbed , influence from the media and also peer pressure . On the other side , gangsterism is known as an organized crime . The reason for both these social problems are likely the same . Teenagers are always happy and active , but these days most of them have turned out to be drug dealers and abusers . They have known drugs so well that it has become a part of their lives . Friends , as always have been a very huge part in their lives , respectively . They would follow their steps in everything they are about to attempt . Same goes to drug abusing . Teenagers would want to try out drug in the urge from their friends because , from their category of age , it is one of the coolest things to try as a teenager . It gives them a priority feeling where they think themselves as heads of a group and their commands and rules is always followed by the others . This will make them more anxious and make them more independent in getting those illegal things and trying them out . Besides that , teenagers abuse drugs because most of them undergo a serious case called emotional abuse . Teenagers who are emotionally abused are most likely to end with drugs because it provides them with the happiness they need , literally . To them , there isn’t anything better than providing their bodies with drugs . It gives them a type of hallucination that brings them to another world , which literally gives them all the supervision they need from others . Teenagers with this kind of issues should be well educated on their risks and taught to be lived independent without drugs as it is known bad for health . Besides that , teenagers who are emotionally abused have more anger than the usual . They are always in a mood where when something goes wrong , it is likely to be very hurting or under estimative . This may also lead to serious injuries , in some cases . Nextly , its because they are prone to the influence from the media . Media showcases many adverse topics and advertisement that are about drugs and also gangsterism . Movies are taken based on these genre , and teenagers these days are being able to compare their lives to the ones in the movies . This shall not be the way media should make a coverage or a documentary . It should be shot in such a way that it helps teenagers out there to educate them about the negative effects of drugs and gangsterism , and also for the future generations . Media should be a platform where they expose good things to the teenagers and also the society . Documentaries , movies and video coverage should always be educating others on the good things , and not set an example for them to be involving in negative things . Lastly would be peer pressure . Teenagers should not be given peer pressure in anything that they are about to accomplish . They should be given their space to perform as the wish . Pressuring them with our thoughts is likely to increase emotional values in them , which leads them in trying drug and such things . This shall not be the way to help them. Pressure is one thing even adults tries to fight away . What more if it is put upon teenagers who have less knowledge comparing to a standard adult who’s aged between 17 – 19 . Pressuring them in studies and extra work will only lead to peer pressure and definitely leads them to adverse acts such as gangstrisme and drug abuse . Therefore , Parents , media and also teenagers themselves play an important role in shaping their lives . Parents should provide their children’s with good health and proper care to prevent them from getting involved in these kind of activities . They should spend more time in getting to know their children’s activities and try to allocate and adequate amount of time for them , so that they will not feel left out and would always share their problems to their parents , rather than having improper relationship outside home . Teenagers themselves should understand that they have the rights to choose their colleagues and friends . Good friend teaches and educates them wise thoughts , whereas , bad friends give them a bad example of daily routines . Therefore , it is always important to think before you decide .

Conclusion Drug abuse , pregnancy out of wedlock and gangsterism plays a huge part in teenagers social life , these days , It has been distracting them , and it plays a very huge part in their lives . This kind of children’s need special guidance from their parents , especially if their teenagers who are still schooling because they are less able to make proper decisions of their own . This assignment has helped us in knowing all the different problems that the teenagers are facing these days . It also helped us educate the younger generations about this social problem through Facebook and Twitter . We have posted notes that would spread awareness regarding this problems . Therefore , we’d like to thank our head of department and also our lecturer , for providing us with this assignment which helped us educate others about this social awareness .

Reference ( 19th June 2013 ) ( 21st March 2013 ) ( 1st May 2013 ) ( 22nd June 2013 ) ( 12th July 2013 ) ( 4th April 2013 ) 6th April 2013 ) ( 2nd July 2013 ) ( 7th July 2013 )

Conclusion From this assignment , we have learned that the process of globalization is a widely known phenomenon that is being the part of the world today . Upon completing this assignment , and after doing several researches on these both topics , we have concluded that there are many negative effects on this both given topics . Besides that , these both topics have taught us to be more responsible and wise as young adults . This will not apply for teenagers , but also for adults . It is good o know your responsibility as a human , and to know your limits while you’re being on a social date . It is important to guard yourself and your rights , and as well as perform your legal ritual for the economic growth . Therefore , we’d like to grab this opportunity to thank those who’ve helped us throughout this entire working and scheduling process . And , a sincere thanks to our respectable lecturer who has guided us throughout this assignment .


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