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Argumentation Essay Topic Suggestions

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Argumentation Essay Topic Suggestions
Argumentation Essay Topic Suggestions

Some of these topics can be altered slightly. Remember the topic restrictions I have given you before altering any of these questions, and be sure you are arguing a position, not merely informing your audience about a problem or solution.

1. Discuss the influence that advertising has had on your life or the lives of your friends.
2. If you were asked to make a fair evaluation of your teachers, what criteria would you use for the evaluation? Discuss.
3. What influence should students have in the determination of college policies? Explain.
4. Do college students benefit from participation in extracurricular activities? Explain.
5. Is too much emphasis placed on grades in our educational system? Explain.
6. Each year, many teenagers run away from home. What do you think are the chief causes?
7. Should every able-bodied citizen be required to serve for a certain period of time in some branch of the military service? Why or why not?
8. Has the automobile been harmful to our society? Discuss.
9. "Television has made America a nation of watchers, not doers." Agree or disagree.
10. Do you think that you receive your money's worth for your student activity fees? Why or why not?
11. Are spectator sports overemphasized in this country today? Discuss.
12. Discuss the most important characteristics an elected official should have.
13. Was giving eighteen-year-old the right to vote a mistake? Discuss.
14. Discuss some practical ways in which each of us can help to conserve natural resources.
15. What steps need to be taken in order to reduce crime? Explain.
16. Do you believe that violence in television programs leads to violence in our society? Explain.
17. How has the women's movement affected relationships between men and women? Discuss.
18. Which do you think has a greater effect on a person -- heredity or environment? Explain.
19. Discuss what could be done to increase the public's respect for police officers.
20. In your opinion, what invention or discovery has brought about the most far-reaching and lasting changes in our civilization? Explain.
21. Should government-owned wilderness areas be preserved? Discuss why or why not.
22. Is it beneficial for a high school graduate to work full-time for a year before entering college? Why or why not?
23. Should the U.S. government subsidize our Olympic teams? Why or why not?
24. Should court proceedings be televised? Explain why or why not.
25. Should government employees such as police officers and fire fighters have the right to strike? Discuss.
26. Should prostitution be legalized? Discuss.
27. How should public high schools deal with students considered to be constant troublemakers? Discuss.
28. Some states now permit single men and women to adopt children. Do you favor such a policy? Explain why or why not.
29. Should college students be required to attend classes? Discuss.
30. Recent elections have been characterized by small turnouts of eligible voters. Some democracies -- Australia, for example -- require their citizens to vote. Explain why such a policy should or should not be adopted in the United States.
31. Should women in the military services be assigned combat duties? Discuss.
32. Attack or defend the practice of advertising by doctors and lawyers.
33. We now have more people over 65 than at any other time. What are the major effects of this increased proportion of older people? Discuss.
34. Should victims of crime be compensated? Explain.
35. Do you favor decreased spending for ________? Why or why not? (fill in the blank with a specific topic such as national defense, NASA, developmental money sent to other countries, etc)
36. Should the United States severely restrict the import of foreign cars for sale in the United States? Discuss.
37. "In spite of advances in scientific knowledge, people are still superstitious." Agree or disagree.
38. People complain about the poor quality of TV shows in the evening (6pm to 10pm), saying shows are too violent and sexual for young people. However, daytime TV seems to rarely come under fire. Is daytime TV just as violent and sexual as evening TV?
39. Do college students benefit from having to earn at least part of their tuition? Discuss.
40. Are Americans too dependent on the automobile? Discuss.
41. Should American students be required to learn a second language? Why or why not?
42. Why or why not should the government continue to support public television (the educational channels)?
43. Are elementary and high schools adequately meeting the needs of their students? Discuss.
44. Currently, horror films are very popular. What accounts for the popularity of such films and are they detrimental to viewers, especially young people?
45. If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?
46. Should prison inmates be allowed to take college courses? Explain why or why not.
47. What do you consider the most important event of the past decade (other than 9/11)? Why?
48. How can the individual citizen reduce the probability of his or her home's being burglarized? Explain.
49. Is it better for a political leader to be feared instead of loved? Why or why not?
50. Most people consider themselves part of a particular generation. Discuss what you consider the most important values of your generation.
51. Should a graduating college senior be required to pass a comprehensive examination in his or her major before receiving a degree? Why or why not?
52. In what areas should all college graduates be required to have some competence? Why?
53. Is athletic competition good for children under twelve years old? Explain why or why not.
54. Do you believe that banning certain books from public and school libraries is justified? Discuss.
55. Do high schools put too much emphasis on athletics? Discuss.
56. What would you place in a time-capsule to allow people opening the capsule 1,000 years from now to understand life today? Explain.
57. Does our public educational system promote mediocrity? Discuss.
58. Is it harmful for children to be in day-care centers all day? Explain why or why not.
59. "In the United States, we waste a great natural resource: the elderly." Agree or disagree.
60. Beauty contests, despite some criticism, are still very popular. In your opinion, what are the chief reasons for their popularity? Explain.
61. What are the chief causes of shoplifting? Discuss.
62. Overcrowded prisons are one of the major problems facing Oklahoma. What might be done to ease this problem?
63. Should law enforcement agencies be permitted to tap telephone lines? Explain.
64. Should public agencies be required to inform parents if their minor children (those under 17) seek birth control? Discuss.
65. What do you consider to be your duties as a citizen? Discuss.
66. Should national and state governments set aside land for parks? Discuss.
67. Do you believe that it is the responsibility of the young to provide financial security for the aged? Why or why not?
68. How can parents promote good reading habits in their children? Discuss.
69. Is the traditional role of fathers changing? Discuss.
70. It has been said that computers are taking over our lives. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
71. Is the person without knowledge of computers handicapped? Discuss.
72. Should adoption records be open to the people directly involved (the person adopted, the biological parents and/or the adoptive parents)? Explain why or why not.
73. Do you favor or oppose a rule that would prohibit professional teams from recruiting college student athletes until their college sports eligibility is over? Why?
74. What steps should be taken to improve the quality of education in our public schools? Discuss.
75. In the development of a national budget, which should be more important -- fighting poverty at home or arming to fight an aggressor? Explain.
76. Discuss why people are fascinated by amusement parks such as Disney World and Six Flags.
77. How effective is television in disseminating news? Explain.
78. What steps would you recommend be taken to make health care in America more available to everyone? Explain.
79. Should an introduction to art, music, and drama be a part of every college student's education? Explain why or why not.
80. Should first-aid courses such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) be a required part of the college's curriculum? Discuss why or why not.
81. Should every high school student take a course in public speaking? Discuss.
82. What are some possible reasons for the decline in the reading skills of high school students? Discuss.
83. What could be done to make students more interested in learning about science? Discuss.
84. What steps should be taken to reduce the number of drunk drivers? Discuss.
85. Is increased life expectancy a blessing or a curse? Discuss.
86. Should the United States offer foreign aid only to those nations which support our policies? Discuss.
87. Though a favorite sport of many, boxing is a dangerous sport that leaves many boxers suffering from eye and/or brain damage. Should the sport of boxing be outlawed?
88. Is it the responsibility of the United States to share its food supplies with the hungry people of the world? Explain.
89. Should the school year be extended to include longer hours and more days required to obtain a high school diploma? Discuss.
90. Americans generally condemn daydreaming as a waste of time. Do you agree with this view, or do you see some benefits of daydreaming? Discuss.
91. The evidence shows that for many reasons the family-owned and family-run small farm is a vanishing American institution. Should this situation cause concern in American society? Why or why not?
92. Do you suppose you would be happier if you lived more simply, eliminating the effort it takes to acquire an abundance of luxuries? Why or why not?
93. The "Living Will" directs a person's family and physicians not to keep that person alive by artificial means if that person were to suffer a totally incapacitating disease or illness. Would you consider signing such a document and giving it to your own family? Why or why not?
94. Is noise pollution becoming a serious threat to the welfare of Americans? Discuss.
95. Do you favor or oppose the use of animal organs (such as hearts or kidneys) as transplants in humans when human organs are not available? Explain.
96. The Supreme Court has ruled that public schools have the right to conduct searches of students' persons and property when there is reasonable cause to suspect the presence of weapons or drugs. Do you support or oppose such searches? Explain.
97. It is said that the United States has the highest crime rate of any country that keeps accurate records. What, in your opinion, are some of the reasons for the unusually high rate of crime in the U.S.? Discuss.
98. Should the government allow unlimited numbers of refugees from political oppression to enter the U.S.? Discuss.
99. Should the government cut funds from educational, cultural, and welfare programs to support a strong defense budget? Discuss.
100. Should the advertisement of alcoholic beverages be banned from television? Discuss.
101. Should tax dollars be used to subsidize public television and radio broadcasts? Discuss.
102. Some think that divorces are too easy to obtain today. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
103. What steps can be taken to reduce the amount of litter found along highways and in the countryside? Discuss.
104. Should stricter laws be enacted banning billboards along our major highways? Why or why not?
105. Presidential greatness is often debated by professional historians. Which U.S. president would you identify as the greatest? Justify your selection.
106. Several communities have passed laws making it illegal for bars to promote the consumption of alcohol through sales specials such as happy hours, two-for-one hours, and ladies' night. Do you agree or disagree that these laws are needed? Discuss.
107. Should the media show more respect for celebrities' desire for privacy? Discuss.
108. Has the space program benefited the average American? Discuss.
109. Should polygraph (lie detector) tests be used as a condition of employment? Discuss.
110. Should the government increase taxes to help improve the standard of living of poor people? Discuss why or why not.
111. How do you think our future will be influenced by the great influx of foreign products into the United States? Explain.
112. In order to protect American industry, should the U.S. government impose heavy tariffs on foreign goods coming into this country? Discuss why or why not.
113. How can we reduce the problem of illiteracy in our nation? Explain.
114. Should high school students be required to wear uniforms? Discuss why or why not.
115. What can high schools do to lower the number of dropouts? Explain.
116. Should schools establish dress codes? Discuss.
117. Is concern for a clean environment a dead issue today? Discuss.
118. One suggested partial solution to the drug problem is to furnish drugs to certified addicts, thus removing the profit for drug dealers. What do you think of this idea?
119. Should employers have the right to require their employees to take drug tests? Discuss why or why not.
120. What can be done to help prevent a marriage from ending in divorce? Explain.
121. What can be done to encourage more and better candidates to seek public office? Explain.
122. What can be done to improve the treatment of the elderly?
123. Do you think a person's looks affect his or her success in the job market? Discuss why or why not.
124. What should be done to reduce the problem of homelessness in the U.S.?
125. How can Halloween be made safer for young people?
126. Why do many people prefer watching television news shows to reading newspapers? Should we encourage people to read more news? Discuss.
127. Should people accept it as their duty to take care of their aging parents? Discuss.
128. What can be done to reduce the high rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States? Explain.
129. How should students who turn in someone else's work as their own be punished? Discuss.
130. Propose an ideal sex education program.
131. Discuss what you perceive to be some of the causes of homelessness in America.
132. How do you think the money raised by the lottery in Oklahoma should be spent? Discuss.
133. Do you believe that recycling should be mandatory? Discuss.
134. Some people have argued that zoos are inhumane, that keeping animals captive is wrong. Discuss why you agree or disagree.
135. Some people have begun to regulate the hours of television that their children may watch each week by giving each child a "television allowance" time. Do you believe that this is a good idea? Why or why not?
136. What do you think have been the main reasons for the increase in violent behavior in our schools? Explain.
137. Why are Americans generally resistant to learning foreign languages? Explain.
138. Should a person who has been convicted of a crime be allowed to run for public office? Discuss why or why not.
139. Should state governments spend more money on school districts with low-achieving students than on districts with high-achieving students? Discuss.
140. What are the advantages (or disadvantages) of young children's going to daycare centers instead of staying home? Discuss.
141. Every generation, it seems that older people think teenagers are one step from disaster. Looking at today’s teens, make an argument that supports or disproves the belief that teens are worse today than they’ve ever been in terms of education, attitude, and criminal behavior.
142. Have computers made our lives easier or more complicated? Explain.
143. Would you buy and use an electric car? Explain.
144. What do you think it means to be well-informed? Are you? Explain.
145. Discuss how life can be made easier for people with disabilities.
146. Should a person be given another chance after he or she has been unfaithful, lied, or broken a promise? Explain.
147. Some doctors now believe that people make themselves sick with their attitudes and lifestyles. How much do you think people influence their own health through their attitudes and lifestyles?
148. When was the last time you changed your mind about something after reading a book or article or listening to a debate? Explain what happened, ultimately arguing why reading/listening is an important skill to cultivate because of the potential for change and personal growth.
149. Some sociologists argue that if we look carefully at shopping malls, we will see in them many clues to our current values and attitudes. Discuss.
150. If you could design a new course for high school students, what would it be? Why would students need or want to take it?
151. What measures would you suggest to counteract prejudice? Explain.
152. Many colleges do not allow alcoholic beverages to be served or consumed on campus, not even in restaurants or faculty clubs. Do you agree or disagree with this rule?
153. How does the news coverage of public election campaigns influence voters? Discuss.
154. Should grandparents be awarded visitation rights in a divorce decree? Why or why not?
155. What should be done with "deadbeat parents" who refuse to pay child support?
156. Should all public employees and elected public officials be subject to drug testing? Why or why not?
157. Has the time come for the United States to abandon the two-party political system? Why or why not?
158. What responsibilities do members of the media have as the primary shapers of public opinion? Explain.
159. How should the United States protect itself from terrorist attacks? Discuss.
160. What are the best ways for step-parents to deal with the special problems they face? Explain.
161. In recent years Americans have expanded their fascination with sports to include such activities as gymnastics and soccer. What do you think are the reasons for this interest in a greater variety of sports?
162. Explain why you do or do not like to gamble.
163. Should the legal driving age be raised to eighteen? Why or why not?
164. Discuss the advantages or disadvantages of shopping by TV.
165. Pick one type of music that is currently very popular and explain why it is popular.
166. Many political commentators are now questioning whether debates between political candidates are worthwhile. What do you think? Why?
167. In this age of mass-produced goods, why do people still enjoy going to craft fairs and purchasing handmade items? Discuss.
168. Can computers and the personal information stored in them jeopardize our right to privacy? Discuss.
169. If your town received a gift of several million dollars, how would you recommend the money be spent? Discuss.
170. Is space exploration worth the risks and the costs? Explain.
171. Discuss ways in which one person's actions can help to improve the world.
172. Argue for or against the view that people of your generation are selfish and concerned only with money and comfort.
173. The value of an American high school education has become a controversial issue. Do you see your own high school education as worthwhile? Why or why not?
174. Should content on the Internet be regulated? Why or why not?
175. Have Americans lost their appreciation of nature? Discuss.
176. Many people consider the Social Security system necessary for the economic well-being of the United States, yet this system may be headed for bankruptcy. What sacrifices should people (whether young or old) be willing to make to assure that the system continues? Explain.
177. Should every college include a community service component as part of its graduation requirements? Discuss.
178. Should a course in ethics be a mandatory part of all college curricula? Why or why not?
179. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of genetic testing of human beings? Discuss.
180. Should high schools provide day-care services for teenage parents? Why or why not.
181. Does the press have too much influence in judging criminal suspects before they are actually convicted of a crime? Explain.
182. Should anything be "private" about the life of a public official? Discuss.
183. Do Americans expect political candidates to have to compromise their ethical standards in order to win an election to public office? Discuss.
184. Should beauty pageants for children be banned? Discuss.
185. Many educators are now looking to computers as the key to improving education. Are there limits to what computers can do to teach our children? Discuss.
186. Do schools focus enough on educating students in non-academic areas? Discuss.
187. Should immigrants from other countries focus on trying to blend into the American culture or should they try to maintain much of their original culture? Discuss.
188. Should government fund efforts to change people's habits if those habits are legal but clearly unhealthy? Discuss.
189. To what degree should parents influence their teenagers' choices of dates and friends? Discuss.
190. Justice is said to be blind. Is justice in our courtrooms blind to economic status? Discuss.
191. What would be the advantages of requiring police officers to have college degrees? Discuss.
192. What types of assistance should public schools be required to provide for non-English speaking students? Discuss.
193. What are the positive and/or negative effects of teenagers and young adults "surfing the net?" Discuss.
194. What qualities of character does it take to be a survivor? Discuss.
195. Does a "double standard" still exist between the sexes? Discuss.
196. Do celebrities have a responsibility to the public to act as good role models? Discuss.
197. Should foreign diplomats have diplomatic immunity? Discuss.
198. What kinds of courses might be most useful for students planning to run their own businesses? Discuss.
199. Should convicted lawbreakers be required to serve their full sentences without parole? Discuss.
200. What factors make a job or career satisfying? Discuss.
201. Should the United States Constitution be amended to allow "single-sex" public colleges and universities? Discuss.
202. What are the most appropriate ways for people to show anger? Explain.
203. Explain how a television show, movie, commercial or popular song stereotypes a group of people. Why or why not is this acceptable?
204. What do sports reveal about American culture? Discuss.
205. Explain why people sometimes continue to do things that are harmful to them.
206. Should preserving endangered species take priority over jobs, development, and property rights? Why or why not?

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