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Affect of Junk Food

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Affect of Junk Food
The term “junk food” is used to describe food that is low in nutritional value, with a comparatively high caloric value. Many people try to avoid or limit such food in their diets, out of concerns that it is not healthy, despite the fact that numerous food manufacturers produce a range of products which could be considered junk. Nutritionists, doctors, and other health advocates often work to educate people about junk food, encouraging them to eat well balanced diets which contain a high proportion of healthy foods.

This term was coined in 1972 by advocates at the Center for Science in the Public Interest who wanted to raise public attention about the issue of foods with a high caloric value and a low nutritional value. For manufacturers, producing such foods has great appeal, as they tend to be cheap to make and easy to handle. They also have an extended shelf life, making them easy for stores to stock and sell.

Foods which fall under the umbrella of “junk food” vary, depending on a number of factors. Snack foods like chips, candies, and so forth are generally universally agreed upon as fitting in this category, and some people also lump fast food like hamburgers, pizza, and fries into the group. In some communities, ethnic takeaway food like gyros, Indian curries, tacos, fish and chips, and so on is also considered to be junk food.

Often, the foods which someone considers to be junk food are very telling. Definitions tend to hinge on someone's class and social status. People with more money tend to have a broader definition, causing some people to accuse them of class snobbery, while lower-income individuals may recognize fewer foods as junk food. Especially in the case of ethnic foods, a classification as “junk food” could be perceived as rather offensive, given that such foods have been prepared and consumed for centuries, and many are actually quite healthy.

As a general rule, no matter what one classifies as junk food, such foods are perfectly safe to eat, as long as they are integrated into a well-balanced diet. There's nothing wrong with having some potato chips now and then, but consuming a diet based primarily on such food is a cause for concern. Because junk food often lacks useful vitamins and minerals, people who eat it exclusively may suffer from nutritional deficiencies that could cause health problems, and they may experience other physical issues like indigestion as a consequence.

In some regions of the world, advertising of junk food is carefully controlled and monitored, out of the concern that such foods often appeal to children. Advertisers may be specifically prohibited from making advertising which targets children, for example, and any claims made about the nutritional benefit of foods are typically closely evaluated to determine how factual they are.


The junk food diet is a type of eating plan where dieters eat smaller portions or low fat versions of the junk foods they enjoy, for the purpose of losing weight. The junk food diet is not often recommended by doctors or dietitians, but many people attempt this diet so they can continue to eat their favorite unhealthy foods while losing weight. There is certainly no shortage of options at the grocery store for reduced fat or fat free versions of many favorite snack foods.

Junk food is typically considered to be sugary or fatty heavily processed foods. This includes items such as chips, cookies, candy, ice cream, and soda, just to name a few. Manufacturers now make low fat chips, fat free ice cream, and diet soda, among other variations. In addition, pre-measured packs allow dieters to more easily maintain portion control. For instance, small packs of cookies that are individually packaged and 100 calories each are very popular in this diet.

The trade-off when consuming a junk food diet made up of these foods is that most of them are heavily processed to begin with, and the reduced fat versions are even more so. Most contain a number of chemicals and artificial sweeteners and fats, which can lead to bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea. Even though it may be possible to lose weight on the junk food diet, such as by switching from regular soda to diet soda, the effect it has on the body is not often positive.

The junk food diet is often lacking in nutrition. Junk food in general is the leading cause of obesity in people of all ages, and can lead to diabetes and heart disease, among other illnesses. Nearly all physicians and dietitians will not recommend this type of diet; instead, they might be more likely to recommend a diet made up of more fresh, whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fish or chicken for protein.

There are a few ways to incorporate some of the principles of the junk food diet into a healthier eating plan. For instance, portion control, as in the individual snack packs, is important. Try limiting portions at meals and eating only a small snack if necessary to help with cravings. Cutting back on soda is a good idea, but it might be better to replace it with water or unsweetened iced tea rather than diet soda. A healthy diet does not need to be completely free of junk food; in fact, it is fine to enjoy a treat in moderation, but the whole diet should not consist of junk food.


Junk food addiction is a recently studied phenomenon in rat populations that many scientists are now extrapolating to human populations as a real potential addiction and health hazard. This is by no means proven addiction because the issue has not been studied in any depth in human subjects, but there is some evidence to suggest such studies might be warranted, and that it could be possible to become addicted to junk food in a way that makes it hard to stop eating it and difficult to change to healthier eating patterns. In a more general sense, many people who overeat seem to principally choose junk foods and might consider themselves addicted.

The study that has principally evoked interest in nutritional and medical fields is one published in Natural Neuroscience in 2010. In the study, scientists took a group of rats and fed them a steady stream of high fat, high salt, and high sugar foods, and the rats quickly began to overeat these foods, even when negatively reinforced by electric shocks. At the same time, some rats were taken off this diet, and many of them refused to eat healthier food for several weeks. Another group of rats was fed a much healthier diet with limited access to junk food, and even though they were given greater access to food, they didn’t overeat.

What the rat’s behavior suggests about junk food addiction is the possibility that the brain gets controls the need to eat certain types of food. It’s possible that neurotransmitters in the brain may be influenced by habitual eating patterns. A life of junk food addiction may start by eating it frequently, where these fatty “reward” foods may cause people to actually need more rewards to boost neurotransmitters like dopamine to acceptable levels.

Similar patterns have been described when people become addicted to drugs. They grow to need the drugs more, the more they are used. The chemicals involved in junk food addiction are the same ones involved in serious drug addictions.

While such research is bound to be intriguing, there is poor evidence to determine that people suffer from junk food addiction. Despite scientific evidence, it’s not difficult to understand that many people have a tough time breaking eating habits of foods that routinely “reward,” but do so at the cost of health.

It could be useful to consider junk food addiction as a series of physical symptoms. People trying to discontinue eating high fat or high sugar foods might understand the first few weeks, at least, of a new diet, would be something like a withdrawal period. Alternately, there might be medications designed to boost neurotransmitter levels so that people don’t miss neurotransmitter reward foods as much, though attempts at this for smoking cessation are still not that successful. For now, it’s certainly advisable that people consider mostly avoiding junk foods, thus avoiding potential addiction.


Unhealthy food, commonly known as junk food, generally contains few nutrients and large proportions of unhealthy ingredients, such as sugar, salt, and saturated fats. It has been linked with various health conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. The most unhealthy food options generally include snack food, fast food, and sugar drinks and snacks. When considering various food options, it’s important to note that different people will have different nutritional needs, so certain foods can be healthy to some but unhealthy to others.

Processed snack food, which is usually marketed for convenience, is one unhealthy food that is widely available to consumers. Not only do many of these snacks contain high amounts of salt, which could worsen high blood pressure, but they also contain large percentages of saturated fat, preservatives, and sometimes monosodium glutamate (MSG). Many of these snacks also contain trans fatty acids and hydrogenated oils, which can increase the risk of obesity and high cholesterol. Vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber are frequently absent entirely from these foods, causing them to offer little benefit to consumers.

Unhealthy fast food is also a commonly believed cause of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions. These foods are consumed in huge quantities due to its widespread availability and sometimes because no healthy food is within reach. Areas known as food deserts, which contain difficult-to-find or overpriced healthy foods, contribute to the growing consumption of fast food meals and increase the population’s risk of obesity.

Another unhealthy food is soda, which contains high concentrations of sugar and few other nutrients. It is estimated that the average can of soda contains about 40 grams of sugar, about twice the recommended daily sugar intake. Other sugared snacks, such as cookies, doughnuts, and some fruit flavored drinks, also contain sugar levels that far exceed the daily recommendation. One of the unfortunate side effects of eating too much sugar is insulin resistance, which can ultimately lead to Type II diabetes.

Certain foods that contain high levels of salt are generally considered to be unhealthy food choices for most people. Fast food, snack food, and ready-made dinners and soups contain high sodium levels that could increase the risk of high blood pressure. Individuals with low blood pressure might benefit from a diet slightly higher in salt, but excessive sodium intake is not considered healthy.

Some typically healthy foods might be unhealthy to individuals with certain preexisting health conditions. For example, those with irritable bowel syndrome or Chron’s disease might find that cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli or cauliflower, causes indigestion. Similarly, those with food allergies might not be able to eat certain foods that are healthy for others. Consulting a dietitian or nutrition expert can be beneficial for those with dietary restrictions.

How Do I Recognize Healthy Food vs. Junk Food

A variety of strategies can be used to identify healthy food and junk food. The division between healthy food vs. junk food is not absolute, but healthy foods typically contain more vitamins and minerals, lower levels of sodium and chemical additives, and healthier oils and fats. Nutrition labeling offers the most effective tool for solving the riddle of healthy food vs. junk food. If nutritional data is not available, then visual cues and a few simple rules of thumb can serve instead.

Junk food is generally understood to be food that is high in calories but low in useful vitamins or minerals. Such food often gets many of its calories from unhealthy saturated fats. Much junk food is also laden with chemicals, sweeteners that add calories, or sodium. Desserts and snacks are especially likely to fall into this category. Minimally-processed foods such as fatty cuts of meat are typically excluded from this category even if they are not terribly healthy.

Food in most nations is required to carry nutritional information labels, although vegetables, meats and other minimally-processed or unprocessed foods may be exempt from this restriction. When labels are present, the separation between healthy food vs. junk food is easy to spot. Healthy food should provide essential macronutrients such as protein, useful roughage in the form of fiber, or vitamins and minerals. Foods with high levels of trans-fat, saturated fat, sodium, or calories from added sweeteners are more likely to qualify as junk food.

If food labels are not present, a few simple rules of thumb can be used to settle the healthy food vs. junk food question. Natural foods are typically healthier than foods that have been chemically processed. Fruits and vegetables should almost always be considered healthy foods. Colorful fruits and vegetables are typically very healthy, as rich green, purple, and red hues are often produced by chemical compounds with significant health benefits.

Visual inspection can prove useful in making the healthy food vs. junk food distinction when eating out. Color remains a useful guide when assessing the healthiness of vegetables. Food that shimmers beneath a layer of fat is likely to qualify as junk food. High calorie beverages such as sweetened soda and alcohol should be treated as junk food, as they contain many calories and few if any nutrients.
In some cases, the processing techniques used on food may move them from one category to another. While apples certainly fall on the healthy side of the healthy food vs. junk food divide, the relative health benefits of eating an apple would be lost if that apple was first dipped in a think rich layer of caramel sauce. An onion is a useful source of fiber but should be considered junk food when breaded and deep-fried.


Food fortification is the process of adding vitamins and nutrients to food and drinks. The term food fortification is often used to describe one of two main processes. The first process, also referred to as food enrichment, is the adding back of nutrients to foods and drinks that have been removed during processing. The second process is the addition of nutrients to foods that are either not naturally occurring in the food or are added at a higher concentration that what is naturally occurring.

While the idea of fortifying foods has been around for centuries, in the modern era, the first widespread practice of food fortification began with the addition of iodine to salt in the early 20th century. During that time period, goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland, was a common condition in areas that did not have high concentrations of iodine in the soil. Public health officials discovered that the consumption of iodine could prevent goiter and found that the addition of iodine to salt was a simple yet effective solution to the problem. ther examples of widespread food fortification are the addition of Vitamin D to milk and the adding of certain B vitamins lost during processing to grains and grain products such as bread and flour. It was discovered that a deficiency of Vitamin D can inhibit the body’s ability to effectively absorb calcium and can also lead to rickets, which is a softening of bone tissue. Rickets was a common condition until the fortification of milk with Vitamin D. In the 1990s, folic acid was added to grain-based foods as it was discovered that the consumption of folic acid by women could reduce the instances of children born with neural tube birth defects.

Today, the process of food fortification has moved beyond simply addressing common vitamin and nutrient deficiencies to creating foods, often referred to as “functional foods,” that are believed to possess health benefits above and beyond what the food in its natural state would be able to do. Consumers are able to purchase foodstuffs such as yogurt with bacteria believed to help the digestive process; mayonnaise with omega-3 fatty acids, and even soft drinks fortified with vitamins and minerals. There are some concerns with food fortification as many believe that consumers may be lulled into consuming greater quantities of foods that may not necessarily be healthy, believing that the foods are indeed healthy. For example, a cereal that has been fortified with vitamins and minerals may still possess high amounts of sugar, while potato chips that have been fortified with omega-3 fatty acids may still contain higher than recommended levels of sodium. As with all foods, the consumer should take the time to read and understand the nutritional labels of fortified foods.


Soda water, also known as seltzer or carbonated water, was for many years prized for its supposed health benefits. Until the discovery of the technology enabling its manufacture, soda water was available only from natural soda springs, and it was often bottled and used to produce a variety of health tonics. These tonics were the origin of many modern soft drinks. Although it is no longer believed to provide health benefits, soda water still is a popular and refreshing beverage that can be manufactured on either a small scale or large scale.

The manufacturing process used for producing the soda water that is used in commercial soft drinks is conducted on an industrial scale. This process, known as carbonation, is accomplished by first lowering the temperature of tap water to 46 degrees Fahrenheit (8 degrees Celsius). A strongly basic and water-soluble source of bicarbonate such as such as sodium or potassium bicarbonate is then added to the chilled water to raise its potenz hydrogen (pH) level and to compensate for the sour flavor of carbonic acid. The solution is subjected to pressurization with carbon dioxide gas, which dissolves in the water to form carbonic acid, again lowering the solution's pH. The carbonated water is then added to a tightly sealed container pressurized to 120 pounds per square inch (830 kPa) with further carbon dioxide gas to keep the water carbonated.

In commercial establishments that use a great deal of soda water when making mixed drinks, the cost of purchasing it pre-made can be prohibitive. Soda water can instead be produced on-site using small, mechanical carbonators. These machines pre-pressurize tap water with carbon dioxide. This pressurized water is kept in corrosion-resistant stainless steel barrels, preventing the acidity of the carbonic acid from damaging the containers. To produce fresh soda water, carbon dioxide merely needs to be injected into the pressurized water.

Although the use of home carbonators declined in the late 20th century, there was a resurgence in the early 21st century in interest in do-it-yourself carbonation for making mixed drinks by home bartending aficionados. Although this is in part because of the elevation of owning retro home appliances in modern fashion, some people prefer the natural tartness of carbonated water that is produced without the addition of chemicals to reduce its acidity. Home soda water can be produced using soda siphons and single-use pressurized carbon dioxide gas cartridges, which can be found easily online through specialty suppliers.


It can be easy to confuse seltzer water with club soda and tonic water, two related products. Club soda can usually be interchanged with seltzer, and many people say that they taste the same. Most club sodas have been augmented with some minerals and salts to boost their flavor, however.

Tonic water is bubbly like seltzer, but includes quinine and often a fair bit of sugar. Quinine boosts the water’s flavor, and also has the potential to ward off malaria — an essential attribute to the British soldiers stationed in India who made the beverage popular back in the 1800s. Unlike either club soda or seltzer water, tonic water tends to have quite a few calories, and should normally be viewed as only slightly better health-wise than a full-sugar soda.


Some people drink diet soda as a way to avoid the calories that most sodas and juices contain. While diet drinks are considered fine in moderation, those who drink them may experience negative health effects. For example, despite the fact that diet drinks are assumed to be helpful when dieting, there is evidence that they may instead contribute to the obesity problem. In addition, while diet soda switches out traditional sugar for artificial sweeteners, it still contains acids that can erode tooth enamel. Some effects of diet soda are felt throughout the body, and this type of drink can lead to kidney damage, bone loss and stroke.

Many people who drink diet soda assume this beverage, because it does not contain calories, will help their weight loss efforts. Contrary to what many think, however, some studies have shown that one of the various effects of drinking diet soda is weight gain. This may be because some people assume they can eat more when drinking this beverage because they are not getting calories from it. The problem could also be that the typical diet soda is sweet, which may make the taste buds prepare for sweets foods with a lot of calories. The result could be a sudden craving for high-calorie foods, which leads to weight gain when people give in to their sudden hunger for fatty foods.

The effects of diet soda often extend to the teeth, too. While diet soda does not have standard sugar, it does contain phosphoric acid and citric acid, both of which can erode the enamel on the teeth. Tooth enamel is the main method of protection against decay, so the result is often an increase in cavities. Dark diet sodas, in particular, tend to contain phosphoric acid, so it is wise to either stick to lighter sodas or drink dark colas through a straw to avoid most contact with the teeth. An additional benefit of using a straw is that it reduces the chances of the teeth becoming stained from dark sodas, which can occur with either diet or regular colas.

Teeth are not the only parts of the body affected by diet soda. Another negative aspect of phosphoric acid is that it promotes the body to get rid of calcium in the bloodstream through urination. The result is that some of the calcium in the bones gets transferred to the bloodstream, causing the bones to become brittle over time unless extra calcium is added to the diet. Another of the health effects of diet soda is kidney damage; artificial sweeteners have been found to cause scarring in the kidney, leaving this organ unable to filter as effectively as it should. Some studies on the effects of diet soda also show that drinking several of these beverages a day can increase a person's risk of having a stroke.


It is difficult to determine what the best drinking soda is for every person, because each individual has different preferences. In general, however, the best option for most people will be the one that tastes the best. Many people, however, also consider sodas based on their sugar and calorie content and seek options that have less sugar and fewer calories. You might also consider the artificial ingredients that a drink contains. Additionally, you can analyze caffeine content when making your choice.

Taste usually is a priority when it comes to choosing the best drinking soda. You might, for example, enjoy the rich, sweet taste of a cola or prefer the fruity flavor of an orange or grape soda. Sweet flavors such as birch or root beer might interest you most, or you might prefer a lemon-lime soft drink. You can even try flavors such as orange cream or blueberry vanilla for a twist. The point is to choose a soda based on the flavors that you like best, although your soda flavor preferences might change from day to day.

Many people limit the amount of refined sugar that they consume on a daily basis, in an effort to enjoy better health. If this is your goal, the best drinking soda might be one with a low sugar content. Most sodas do contain a good deal of sugar, but you can find some that contain less sugar yet still provide the flavor that you crave.

Calorie counts also might influence your choice of the best drinking soda. Usually, sugar content directly relates to the number of calories in a soft drink. As such, you might find choosing soda with less sugar to be helpful when you want to lose weight or maintain your current weight. If you really want to ensure that the soda you drink won't cause you to gain weight or impair your efforts to shed extra pounds, you might consider buying one of the many diet sodas on the market.

In choosing the best drinking soda, you might also consider whether it contains artificial ingredients. You might prefer an option that contains all-natural flavors and colors. Although the artificial ingredients that are commonly found in soda are considered safe for human consumption, some people prefer to maintain a natural diet.

Caffeine is another consideration when you are choosing a soda. Some drinking sodas contain caffeine, and others are caffeine-free. A moderate amount of caffeine generally is not considered bad for the body, but large amounts have been linked to insomnia, jittery feelings and mild addiction. If you are trying to avoid caffeine or have consumed other caffeinated beverages during the day, you might prefer to make a caffeine-free soda your choice.


Limiting junk food is one of the most important health decisions that parents can make. People are subjected to numerous advertisements selling junk food every day, and cannot be expected to make healthy food choices on their own. Limiting junk food by controlling the food they eat is only half the battle.
Advertising junk food is a very profitable way for junk food companies to lure in customers who have not yet developed healthy habits and an understanding of the long-term effects of food choices on the body. People can limit the amount of junk food advertising Additionally, when a junk food advertisement is shown, the parents can explain to their child why eating that product would be an unhealthy choice, and suggest similar but healthier options, such as a vegetable burger on wheat bread instead of a fast-food cheeseburger.

Parents should, if possible, pack the child's school lunch with healthy foods including fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. It is much healthier to do this than rely on the child's choice at school between junk food and healthy choices. This is especially true because many schools supply an abundance of chips, French fries, desserts, and other junk food for kids and a very limited supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, making it even harder for children who do try to make healthy choices to have a satisfying lunch.

Many parents resort to serving the family fast food because their busy schedules do not often allow them to cook a meal at home. A possible solution to this problem could be for the parents to spend a couple of hours on the weekend cooking healthy meals and freezing them for quick, convenient use during the week. Additionally, pre-packaged vegetable and fruit portions can be an easy way to add healthy food as a side dish for the frozen meal. If cooking is simply not an option, parents should try to choose restaurants that offer low-calorie menu items with plenty of fruits and vegetables instead of greasy fast-food items. Though children may express a preference for high-calorie, greasy food, it is important for parents to remain firm and explain why making healthy food choices is an important habit to form.


An obesity tax is a tax designed to decrease the obesity of a population, usually by taxing junk foods that are rich in calories but offer little nutrition. It is sometimes known as a fat tax. Suggested foods to be taxed often include soft drinks, foods high in certain fats, and snack foods. The obesity tax has been compared to others that are designed to decrease negative behaviors, such as those on alcohol or cigarettes. Opponents disagree over the pros and cons of an obesity tax and what it would include.

The most common form of an obesity tax is a small tax that is added to snack foods, sugared sodas, and juice-flavored drinks with added sugar. Other plans may include taxes on fast food, sweets or candy, and the so-called bad fats — trans-fat and saturated fat. It's proposed that this could reduce the total number of calories consumed, leading to a decrease in obesity. If this is the case, fighting obesity with a tax could also reduce related health problems, such as heart disease. It's often suggested that the money raised from these taxes could be used to educate the public about a healthier way of eating.

The discussion over a tax on obesity often centers on which types of food should be taxed. Soft drinks may be high in calories from sugar, but contain no fat. On the other, olive oil is often considered healthy, but all of its calories come from fat. This has led to disagreement over how an effective obesity tax would be put into action.

Those in favor of an obesity tax argue that the tax could have an effect similar to that on cigarettes. Cigarette smoking has dropped in many countries due to increased taxes and public health campaigns. Supporters may say it could change people's habits at a younger age, when kids and teenagers won't pay more than they have to. A number of other arguments say that it could reduce health care spending and raise money for better health awareness. Those in favor also argue that a limited tax could target only the most harmful foods.

Critics of a tax on obesity sometimes say that it can focus on only part of the problem. For instance, two snack foods could contain the same amount of calories, but only one might be taxed because it has one of the so-called bad fats. Also, critics argue that there is less evidence that junk food alone is a major cause of obesity. Others worry that an obesity tax would simply be a regulation that reduces consumer choices.


There are many options for low calorie snacks that are both healthy and tasty. When choosing low calorie snacks, one of the best rules of thumb is to choose actual whole foods, not ones that are prepackaged. For example, rather than choosing a package of chips that is marked as low in calories, choose a piece of fruit, or some carrots or celery sticks. The idea is to choose a snack that will contribute to a feeling of fullness, and may also offer a benefit such as protein or fiber without the addition of a lot of unhealthy fat and sugar.

Choosing the best low calorie snacks sometimes requires some creativity and willingness to take a few extra minutes to prepare something. For instance, a mixed fruit smoothie made with low-fat milk, yogurt and ice, as well as a number of different fresh or frozen fruits, and even a little flax seed or spinach, can make a great snack or even a meal replacement. Plain vegetables such as carrots, celery, or cherry tomatoes can be made more appealing with the addition of some hummus or even low fat salad dressing, or a little bit of pepper. Salt should be used only sparingly.

Plain fruit is another one of the best low calorie snacks, and there are many ways to make it more appealing as well. Frozen grapes, for example, make a great snack and taste similar to frozen dessert treats. Bananas, apples, oranges, and cherries are also popular snack foods that are fairly easy to eat on the go. Some people also enjoy adding peanut butter to a banana or apple for a little extra boost of protein. For people who don't want to snack on fruits or vegetables, there are some other low calorie options as well.

Whole grain crackers spread with low fat flavored cream cheese, hummus, low fat cheese, or even tuna fish can make excellent low calorie snacks. Even a plain hard-boiled egg can make a good snack that is high in protein, which can help to prevent cravings for other foods. Popcorn, though lacking in much nutritional value, is a food that is very low in calories, as long as it is not coated in salt and butter. A handful of walnuts, almonds, or sunflower seeds is also a good choice; though they are somewhat higher in calories, they are very filling and rich in protein.


Junk food has turned out to be the favorite foods of the young and old equally. Junk food also called fast food is the food that is said to be an alternative to the food that is cooked at home. The effects of junk food are many and it is important for one to know the junk food facts before they fall prey to binge eating.

Some other junk food facts that everyone must know is that they are costlier than the other kinds of normal foods because of the artificial preservatives and colors that are harmful to human health. There is not a bit of fiber content in the junk food that is responsible for the proper functioning of the body.


Unmindful of the age of a person, the fast food or junk food takes a heavy toll on one’s health by damaging all the internal parts of the body.

The primary effect is the obesity that the presence of the high triglycerides causes. As there is a rapid increase in the high triglyceride levels in the blood, there is a drastic rise in one’s weight thus leading to corpulence.
In the long run, there is a great damage caused to the circulatory system thus resulting in the improper functioning of the heart. This is because there is too much of cholesterol that is accumulated in the blood. Heart attacks or strokes are equally possible as the fat gets accumulated in the arteries and veins that carry blood from and to the heart.
Lack of energy is another effect that the high triglycerides cause. Due to the absence of nutrients in the fast food or junk food, the body is short of the essential nutrients and hence refuses to stay active. The fat content is responsible for this lethargy.
In extreme cases there can also be failure of the liver. The salts that are added to the junk food are responsible for this condition. The preservatives and the artificial colors also lead to the same.
The obesity caused due to the high triglyceride content can further lead to diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. In some cases it may also lead to cancers.
Due to the deficiency of the vitamins and minerals in the junk food the body loses the immunity power and is highly prone to any disease.
There are a few fast foods which are made under unhygienic conditions thus causing problems with the intestines in the digestive system.


Messy snacks can cause a delay in getting children back to their studies. There is also the issue of needing paper plates or utensils for particularly messy or hard to eat snacks. Consider including napkins with all snacks, but don't stop there. If you're providing drinks as well, you may need to provide cups too. On the other hand, you may choose to send individually packaged drinks such as juice boxes to avoid the need for cups.

Food allergies are also an important consideration when choosing snacks to send to school. It is best to avoid items with peanut butter or other nut products, unless such snack foods have been pre-approved. You may want to ask about other allergies as well since wheat, milk, chocolate, and other ingredients can be of concern.

The best types of snacks to send to school are those that leave you with little worry. They include items that aren't usually a problem for kids with food allergies and those healthy ingredients. Fruit or snacks made with real fruit are good choices.

When choosing snacks, you may be tempted to offer a bit of a treat, especially if it is a special occasion. You can do so once in a while, but for regular occasions, consider items like graham crackers as opposed to cookies containing lots of butter, shortening, and/or sugar.

If you are looking for something with crunch, consider pretzels instead of high fat potato chips, corn chips, or cheese puffs. There are also several varieties of baked chips and crackers. One good method for finding snacks to send to school is to bring home snack foods for your family to try first. Chances are, if your kids like the snacks, other children will too.


Listed below are some important health complications caused due to sumptuous consumption of junk food.


Junk foods do not contain any nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. In most cases, these foods are filled with harmful carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol that do not provide any useful energy. As a result, somebody consuming junk food has reduced level of essential nutrients thereby causing weakness in the body.


One disadvantage of consuming junk food is that it contains high amount of oil and fat. As a result, human body finds this food difficult to digest and needs to spend high amount of blood and enzymes. When a person consumes junk food in excess, a major portion of blood in the body is diverted to the intestine. As a result, the person feels drowsy and suffers with reduced concentration.


Junk foods have been identified as a major cause of heart diseases including myocardial infraction, cardiac arrest and atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that junk food contains excessive amount of low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol that get deposited on the inner linings of blood vessels. This result in formation of plaques and the heart is required to put an extra effort for pumping blood through the arteries. Presence of fat in the blood also causes reduced oxygen levels. Another harmful factor present in junk foods is excess concentration of sugars and salt. Excessive concentration of sodium ions causes an increased heart blood pressure.


Even liver gets damaged due to presence of ingredients such as fat, cholesterol and salt inside the junk foods.


Junk foods also cause damage to the pancreas resulting in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM).


Besides the formation of plaques and cholesterol deposition in the inner wall of arteries, cholesterol can also impacts on human liver where it is metabolized. Junk food consists of high cholesterol and a regular intake of junk food leads to severe liver damages.
According to medical research, it is proved that, junk food is not at all good for human health but, if an individual can not eliminate junk food from his/her life, then it is better to consume it minimally to avoid all the health problems caused by junk food. Let's have a look to the relationship between junk food and health.

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    The packaging on those TV dinners, are in every colour you could imagine, the extravagant print, and those catchy words like “New!” intrigue you to purchase those calorie filled, heart clogging foods. Junk food is a guilty pleasure because everyone is aware of its negative effects on our body. Everyone can generally say that healthier foods are unattractive and cliché. They aren’t as “appetizing” as those deep fried or frozen dinners. But does anyone really know what goes into fast food?…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    There is controversy over whether or not people should stop eating junk food. In the article “New Study Reveals Junk Food Good for You,” Billy Bunting believe some types of sugary, fatty junk foods “are better for you than so-called healthy foods” (Bunting). Throughout the article, he accounts evidences to verify his argument that eating large doses of junk food is good and a key to a long and healthy life. In “New Study Reveals Junk Food Good for You,” Bunting accounts studies, action points, and seven “tips to enjoy eating junk food so that its benefits can be fully realized” (Bunting).…

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    The concept was first proposed in early 1942 by a physiologist who argued that individuals should be taxed per pound they were above standard weight. The concept has moved across from entity to groups of specific food, especially which are likely to increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Unhealthy food taxation has been in the news over the last half century.…

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Good Essays

    Many people are wondering why they are getting so sick, but they have not realized what causes the sickness. There is a great number of people including young children, adult and young adults, and the elders who are being affected by consuming junk food every day. Junk food is very dangerous to human’s health, and not many people are aware of that. Research shows that people living in the United State are more affected by eating junk food than many people in other countries. It is very crucial to know the side effects of junk food although junk food may taste very delicious. People need to be knowledgeable about what they eat every day. Therefore, knowing what junk food can cause to the human’s health is very important. There are mainly three…

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    Junk food contains large amounts of fat that over time accumulate in your body and cause rapid weight gain. The more fat is stored in your body, the higher risk you have for developing heart problems that could lead to a heart attack. Heart disease develops from plaque build-up in the arteries. With that build up, your heart can’t pump blood through them and your arteries become blocked, most times leading to a heart attack. Along with heart disease, increased fat can slow down cognitive performance. This means that you will be tired and have trouble concentrating and your brain will not be receiving the right amount of oxygen needed to remain focused.…

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  • Powerful Essays

    Obesity in America

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    "Junk Food: How Much Can You Get Away With?" The PDR Family Guide to Nutrition and…

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    Powerful Essays
  • Good Essays

    Taxing Junk Food Essay

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    Junk food can be known as different types of food, candy, and even sugary drinks. Some foods that can be considered ‘junk food’ are candies, chips, gum, and salted snacks are just a few examples of ‘junk food’. Pizza, hamburgers and tacos could be considered healthy or junk food. Sweetened drinks can be considered ‘junk food’ because they have a lot of sugar. Some drinks that are under the ‘junk food’ category are sports drinks, sodas, frappes, and milkshakes. These are just some of the many unhealthy drinks.…

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  • Better Essays

    Many Americans continuously eat junk food and see no problem with it. It is fast, cheap, and delicious so how could it be bad for you. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact is most fast food companies make their food cheap and long lasting. How they accomplish this is by adding many doses of preservatives to their food. This can have bad effects on your health. Continuous consumption of these foods could cause strokes, heart attacks, and diabetes. In order to avoid these health problems it is suggested that you even out your diet to consist of a varity of different food groups. It is ok to have junk food every once in a while but in order to maintain your health you must also eat some fruits and vegetables. By evening out your diet your body will be able to pull out all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.…

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    Better Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Secondly, junk food can be a time saver. For one, it takes very little time to prepare junk food. For example, Hungry Mans which takes less than 30 minutes to heat up in the oven and 5 minutes in the microwave. Likewise, frozen pizza literally takes 10 minutes to warm up in the microwave. Apart from the time a person has to spend in the kitchen preparing a meal, one also has to go grocery shopping to purchase the ingredients to cook with. Furthermore there are no required cooking skills to cook junk food. For example, to cook junk food all you have to do is follow the simple directions on the package to cook the food, but with making a meal from scratch you have to make sure you know how to boil water or even work an oven.…

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Good Essays

    In the first place, there must be a reason why people like junk food and one of those reasons is because junk foods taste good. According to Steven A. Witherly, PhD, president and CEO of Technical Products Inc., a food consulting firm in Valencia, Calif., tells WebMD. (2013)"Fast food has ridiculously high levels of salt, fat, and sugar -- and the brain likes salt, fat, and sugar." so Junk Food is usually packed with fats and sugar, making it taste good. This is also the reason why Junk Food is so unhealthy, although According to Sarah Clark (2014, October 6)’’some people who aren’t fans of fast food might disagree, saying that fast food actually tastes of salt or fat, most people who eat it are only too happy to agree that the taste is what keeps them going back for more.’’ Moreover According to Sarah Clark (2014, October 6) ‘’45% of people in the UK who took part in a 2008 survey said that they liked the taste of fast food so much that they didn’t think they would be able to give it up, even if they wanted to’’, but why these people feel like that?. Apparently, according to Sarah Clark (2014, October 6) ‘’some people get…

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  • Better Essays


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    Diseases: Other than obesity issues, junk food is also related to some of the most lethal diseases. It can result in diabetes and heart ailments. If you don’t exercise regularly and have a family history of diabetes, then junk food is likely to activate the peril of various crucial diseases at an early stage. Secondly, junk food releases some kind of fats that have a tendency of increasing your cholesterol levels. This way, your arteries get clogged up which might…

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    Better Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Junk food is full of fat and calories; a lot more than what is required for the body on a daily basis. This will get converted to fat deposit in the body, which will certainly affect the body shape. Eating healthy should be on the top of the teenagers’ priority list as they are always considered about having a good figure to being more successful.…

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